''Invincible Heart:'' As a move action, an awakened blade may use 1 reality point to cure herself of any negative effect with a duration that isn't permanent or instantaneous. This do not apply to damage, ability damage, ability drain or ability burn. If she use 3 reality point she may use this ability even if she would not be able to act, such as being [[SRD:Stunned|stunned]]. She do not need to wield her chosen weapon or go through the motion of attacking when using Invincible Heart.
''Time has Stopped!:'' As a swift action, an awakened blade may replicate the effect of [[SRD:Temporal Acceleration|''temporal acceleration'']] which last up to , except each round of effective time use a number of round equal to her class level1 reality point. When she enter and leave the accelerated time she make a single attack against any number of creatures within her reach. A creature may only be attacked once for each uses of this ability, even if they are within you reach for the start and end of the effect. Her turn and any turn spent during accelerated time count as one turn for the purpose of Bend Reality. Once used this ability cannot be used again for a number of round equal to twice the amount of time the Awakened Blade spent in accelerated time.
''Ultimate Instinct:'' As a swift action, after the awakened blade either start fighting defensively or took the total defense action she may activate this ability at the cost of 1 reality point. She cannot be caught flat-footed and whenever a creature miss an attack against her, she may take an attack of opportunity against them which they are automatically caught flat-footed against. In this state she may take attacks of opportunities even if she normally couldn't and gain an unlimited amount of attack of opportunity per round. This ability last 1 round.