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Talk:Cyclops (3.5e Race)


  Eiji-kun dislikes this article and rated it 1 of 4.
Powerful Build may be able to work on an LA 0 race. +4 stats may be able to work on an LA 0 race. Both at the same time? ...not very likely.

  Ganteka Future dislikes this article and rated it 1 of 4.
This is a bit of a tough call. Easily when used at higher levels, I see it blending in with other LA0 races with less difficulty (as far as mechanics are concerned). However, at lower levels, because of its great strength and penalties to compensate, there is great likelihood of disparity among the party. Generally, +4 bonuses on LA0 races are troubling in general (regardless of balancing factors elsewhere), since they play so much to the strength of the race's conceptual design. It's mechanically well thought out got some mechanical problems, but the flavor is solidly written. Its not a race worth paying Level Adjustment for, but it certainly isn't LA 0 either, and for that, I must deny it my favor rate in Dislike.

Update: Tightening up the ability score adjustments, the duration of blinding and dazing in bright light (1 round is plenty fine as a penalty if you're really interested in keeping it in) and modifying the text around Rock Throwing (mentioning proficiency and having rocks treated as Masterwork instead of granting a racial bonus would be a start) would go a long way toward making this usable. It really needs something unique and fun as well.

  Franken Kesey dislikes this article and rated it 1 of 4.
+4 bonus to Strength plus powerful build is a lot for a ECL one. Suggest reducing Strength bonus to +2 to keep this at ECL 1.
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