I fail to see how this is low given it completely does away with maneuver requirements (you'll always know enough maneuvers to make it a non-issue unless you're dipping for the first time at high levels). I'm not saying it's very high, or even high, and admittedly it will see the most use at later levels less likely to be played, but I would almost guarantee the difference between a swordsage's 14 maneuvers at level 9 (guessing, book not in front of me) with and without this feat would be worth substantially more than Skill Focus or its ilk. -- Jota 15:48, 6 September 2012 (UTC)
- As an addendum, if I'm remembering correctly, discipline focus is one of the best weapon enhancements in terms of getting additional bonuses to hit (bang for buck), which is the most important thing for most melee characters when it comes down to it. That this essentially turns that into a +whatever against everything all the time, it's got some added synergistic potential that further cements it as not belonging in the low tier (again, not having the book in front of me, but will double check/offer more concrete evidence later). -- Jota 15:53, 6 September 2012 (UTC)
- I figured it was Low because the main benefit (qualification) was pretty minor. It's USEFUL, but it doesn't give you any more survivability or utility, combat or no. As such, I saw it as a fluffy power. However, the martial discipline bonus DOES give a good bonus, though it's rather circumstantial. Now for me, that didn't seem like enough but I can see how someone might say it's stronger. If you really worry about it, I don't care if it becomes Moderate or even High (though you'll have to sell me on it if you think its High level).
- I'll go ahead and make it Moderate for now, unless someone wishes to defend its Low rating. -- Eiji-kun 22:48, 6 September 2012 (UTC)