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User:Leziad/Holomaester (3.5e Class)

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Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 29 Mai, 2011
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Holomaesters are able to use strange holographic technology through the acquisition of an ancient and powerful device called a holotech (or through the development of one). No matter the origin, an holomaester is capable of calling upon new sources of energy and nearly unlimited quasi-matter that she can use to devastate her foe and grant herself incredible abilities.

Making a HolomaesterEdit

A holomaester is a generalist. She can destroy an opponent from afar or take blows for her allies as soon as she gains her shield. A holomaester is capable of self-buffing almost instantly and her high skill points allow her to be a perfect skill monkey.

Abilities: Intelligence is the most important ability for a holomaester, as most of her abilities depend on it. A good Dexterity and Constitution are also required, for high AC and hit points. Finally a good Charisma score is recommended, as the holomaester is capable of resolving social challenges (although most could be solved with a clever application of a holograph).

Races: Races with high Intelligence tend to make good holomaester. Humans also make up a fair share of the holomaester population.

Alignment: Any.

Starting Gold: As wizard.

Starting Age: Complex.

Table: The Holomaester

Hit Die: d6

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special Shield AC
Fort Ref Will
1st +0 +0 +0 +2 Holo-Blast, Holotech, Technomancy, Trapfinding -
2nd +1 +0 +0 +3 Holotech (Holo-Tools) -
3rd +2 +1 +1 +3 Holo Grenade, Holotech (Disguise), Shield +0
4th +3 +1 +1 +4 Holotech (Cloaking Device), Shield Manipulation (Holo-Armor) +0
5th +3 +1 +1 +4 Perfect Hologram, Recharge Shield (1/Encounter), Holotech (Holo Vision) +1
6th +4 +2 +2 +5 Holo Mines, Holotech (2), Holotech (Skimming) +1
7th +5 +2 +2 +5 Holotech (Holo-Projection), Shield Manipulation (Holofield) +2
8th +6/+1 +2 +2 +6 Holo-Beam, Shield Manipulation (Perimeter Barrier) +2
9th +6/+1 +3 +3 +6 Holotech (Weapon), Holotech (Propulsion) +3
10th +7/+2 +3 +3 +7 Holographic Force, Shield Manipulation (Holo-Ward), Recharge Shield (2/Encounter) +3
11th +8/+3 +3 +3 +7 Holo-Lance, Teletech Adept +4
12th +9/+4 +4 +4 +8 Arcane Artisan, Holotech (3), Holotech (Scouter) +4
13th +9/+4 +4 +4 +8 Holograph Mastery, Shield Manipulation (Persona Projection) +5
14th +10/+5 +4 +4 +9 Holotech (Holofusion) +5
15th +11/+6/+1 +5 +5 +9 Holotech (Quantum Teleportation), Recharge Shield (3/Encounter) +6
16th +12/+7/+2 +5 +5 +10 Gauss Negator, Shield Manipulation (Quantum Barrier) +6
17th +12/+7/+2 +5 +5 +10 Holograph Transmutation +7
18th +13/+8/+3 +6 +6 +11 Holotech (4), Reality Grid +7
19th +14/+9/+4 +6 +6 +11 Holographic Gate +8
20th +15/+10/+5 +6 +6 +12 Holographic Immortality +8

Class Skills (6 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level)
Appraise (Int), Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disable Device (Int), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Forgery (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Open Lock (Dex), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Speak Language (None), Spellcraft (Int), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex), Use Magic Device (Cha), Use Rope (Dex).

Class FeaturesEdit

All of the following are class features of the Holomaester.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Holomaesters are proficient with all simple weapons, plus the hand crossbow, rapier, sap, shortbow, and short sword. Holomaesters are proficient with light armor, but not with shields.

Holo-Blast (Su): A holomaester is capable of projecting a blast of strange semi-real 'holographic' energy, capable of travelling through solid matter with or without affecting it. As an attack action, a holomaester may make a ranged touch attack within Medium range. If it hits, it deals 1d4 typeless damage per holomaester level. The holo-blast can travel through solid matter with ease, and thus ignore all cover, except if said cover is granted by a force effect. The blast can ignore any creatures or objects, and effectively fires through them, leaving no damage (thus firing through a tree to hit an enemy behind it or directly through an ally to hit the ogre grappling him). This blast cannot be fired through force effects.

Holotech (Su): A holomaester is capable of conjuring a holographic device known as a holotech. Although it generally appears on her wrist, the holotech may appear as a mask or take any shape the holomaester chooses. The holotech grants the holomaester immediate access to many of her class features. She can also record voices, images or write in her holotech as a move action. As a move action she can play back any vocal records as a ghost sound, except the source of the noise is alway her holotech. She can also play back visual records as a silent image, except the image is always slightly hovering above her holotech and is projected on a holographic screen. She can otherwise access all the information stored on her holotech as a free action.

Only one holotech ability may be active at any time, although she can switch between them as an immediate action. At 6th level the holomaester may use two holotech abilities at the same time. The number of holotech abilities she can use at the same time increase by 1 for every 6 levels thereafter ( three at 12th and four at 18th).

Holo-tools (Su): A 2nd level holomaester is capable of conjuring semi-real tools from her holotech. As a immediate action, the holomaester can transform her holotech into a masterwork tool for any one skill check or any non-consumable item such as a rope or a 10 ft. pole as long as its cost is under 10 gp\holomaester level. This ability can be activated or suppressed as a free action. Due to the nature of the holotech, should the item be destroyed, it can be repaired as a free action.

Disguise (Su): A 3rd level holomaester can change the apparency of her apparel, face or even body as a disguise self spell at will as an immediate action. As long as she keeps the holotech ability active, the effect does not end.

Cloaking Device (Su): A 4th level holomaester may use invisibility as a supernatural ability for up to 1 minute/class level per day. This use need not to be continuous and can be used over many uses. A holomaester must suppress her shield when using her cloaking device. At 10th level she no longer has a time limit on her cloaking device, and can use it as long as she wants.

Holo Vision (Su): A 5th level holomaester has unlocked the ability to fuse her holotech with any headwear. As well as the improved interface, this grants her the ability to use x-ray vision as a ring of X-ray vision. She does not suffer any constitution damage for extended use.

Skimming (Su): A 6th level holomaester is capable of using anti-gravity technology to skim over the battlefield. This grants her a +10 bonus on Tumble and Jump checks. Additionally, she may ignore difficult terrain and walk over liquid surfaces with ease while using this ability.

Holo-Projection (Su): A 7th level holomaester is capable of projecting her image over a very long distance, and directly communicating with creatures. A holomaester may project a image of herself up to 100 miles/level. The image functions as a major images spell. However, the holomaester perceives whatever the image perceives, and can also speak through it. Using this ability requires a full-round action to activate, and concentration every round it is in use.

Weapon (Su): A 9th level holomaester can use the energy of her holotech to make it into a powerful holographic melee weapon. The weapon counts as a light weapon, deals 1d4 damage/level regardless of the holomaester's size, and you add her Intelligence modifier to the weapon damage (but you may not add her Strength modifier). The holo-weapon requires a touch attack to hit instead of a normal attack roll. The holo-weapon weapon gain an enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls equal to one third of the holomaester's level or the holomaester's intelligence modifier, whichever is lower. She may dismiss the weapon as a free action. It automatically vanishes if it is somehow dropped or removed from her possession.

Propulsion (Su): At 9th level, the holomaesters gain a fly speed equal to her base land speed (with perfect maneuverability).

Scouter (Su): A 12th level holomaester has made her holotech capable of detecting many kinds of energy. She may cast detect evil, detect good, detect chaos, detect law, detect magic, detect power level, discern lies, light, or see invisibility as spell-like abilities as a swift action at will. She automatically gain gains all information from these abilities as if she concentrated for 3 consecutive rounds (if it applies).

Holofusion (Su): A 14th level holomaester is able to fuse with her holograms, becoming a hologram herself, for a time at least. Up to 1 round/level per day, a holomaester may, as a move action, gain the ghost template. However, her type becomes construct instead of a undead. Any damage taken as a hologram carry over when she turns back into her normal form. The duration of this ability need not to be continuous and can be spread over multiple uses.

Quantum Teleportation (Su): A 15th level holomaester is capable of using her holotech to open a passage in the fabric of space, allowing her to use greater teleport as a supernatural ability at will as a full round action.

Technomancy: A holomaester is capable of using devices with strange magic and arcane mechanisms. A holomaester gains a +3 competence bonus to Use Magic Device.

Trapfinding: As the rogue ability of the same name.

Holo Grenade (Su): A 3rd level holomaester is capable of producing a single holo grenade, a strange orb of energy capable of releasing great energy as it explode. Conjuring and throwing a holo grenade is a attack action (although you may opt not to throw it). You may set a detonation time between contact (explode as soon as it hits anything solid) to 3 rounds. Throwing the grenade requires a ranged touch attack against a target square or creature within Close range. If it hits, the holo grenade either explodes or 'sticks' to its target or landing square. A holo grenade can be removed with a Strength check with a DC of 10 + 1/2 holomaester's level + holomaester's Int mod. When a grenade explodes it deals 1d6 damage/holomaester level in typeless damage to all creature within 5 feet (Reflex save for half, DC is Intelligence based).

Shield (Su): At 3rd level a holomaester is capable of producing a shield from her holotech. The shield can be activated or suppressed as a free action. The shield grants a scaling deflection bonus to AC (see the holomaester table) + the holomaester's Intelligence modifier. Otherwise, it follows all normal rules for a shield.

Shield Manipulation (Su): A holomaester is capable of manipulating her shield with some ease. Starting at 4th level, the holomaester learns special ways to manipulate her shield. A holomaester may never have more than one shield manipulation active but may shift between them as an immediate action.

Holo-Armor (Su): A 4th level holomaester is able to wrap her shield around herself like armor. When activating her shield, she may make her deflection bonus an armor bonus instead. All the normal rules for shields otherwise apply. The armor bonus from holo-armor still applies to your touch AC.

Holo-Field (Su): A 7th level holomaester can use the energy of her shield to create identical images of yourself. You may forgo your deflection bonus to AC to create a number of image equal to your intelligence modifier, when an image is struck it remain but the damage is dealt to your shield. It otherwise act like a mirror image spells, normal rules for shield otherwise remain. An holofield never take damage from one source more than once (if all the image are hit by a fireball, the shield only take the fireball damage once.

Perimeter Barrier (Su): A 8th level holomaester can project her shield as a perimeter shield of any shape she desire as a swift action. She may allow some creatures or effects to pass through without trouble as a free action. She may only project the shield up to 10 ft./level of her and any part of the shield outside this radius as the holomaester move vanish in thin air. All normal rules for shield apply otherwise.

Holo-Ward (Su): A 10th level holomaester can focus her shield into a singular point in space, using all the power in it to block an otherwise lethal attack. When activating her shield, the holomaester may decide to make it a holo-ward, you no longer gain a deflection bonus to AC but the hit points of her shield double and as long as it active you gain damage reduction 5 + 1/2 level/-.

Persona Projection (Su): A 13th level holomacer is able to shape her shield as a perfect copy of herself, she may concentrate and move the shield as if it was her. The shield has the same statistic as the original (and may use all her abilities, but not her items), but only has it own hit points (5 hp HD). The shield must always remain within medium range of the holomaester or it abruptly teleport back to her. The holomaester must fully concentrate on her perosna projection and thus count as dazed as long as it remain.

Quantum Barrier (Su): A 16th level holomaester is capable of turning her shield into an almost invincible barrier. When she activate her shield she may have it manifest as a Quantum Barrier, a quantum barrier has no hit point and a damage reduction of 20/- and energy resistance to acid, fire, electricity, frost and force 20, any damage that pass through however are dealt to the holomaester directly. All other rules for shield apply.

Perfect Hologram (Su): A 5th level holomaester may use silent image at will as a supernatural ability as a swift action.

Recharge Shield (Su): Once per encounter (or once per minutes out of combat) as a move action a 5th level holomaester may redirect power from her holotech to her shield. Her shield come back online if previously destroyed and regain 2 hit points/holomaester level. At 10th level the holomaester may use this ability twice per encounter and at 15th three times per encounter.

Holo Mine (Su): A 6th level holomaester know how to create wicked holo-mines, she can conjure 1 holo-mines/ level within short range in unoccupied squares. The holo-mines are small sized and are overing about 5 ft. above the ground. The mine slowly drift away from the holomaester at a rate of 5 ft. per level. When an holo-mine is dealt damages or come in contact with something harder than heavy fog, it explode in an orb of pure energy, dealing 5d4 damages to every creatures and object within 10 feet (possibly causing more holo-mines to explode) without saves of any kind. A holomaester can direct every mines with a move action, moving each mines in a 10 ft. line in the direction she choose. An holo-mine only has a limited lifespan and explode automatically after 5 rounds. A holomaester can make her mines vanish or detonated them all with a standard action.

Holo-Beam (Su): As a standard action, a 8th level holomaester can fire a beam of pure holographic energy. The beam form a 10 ft. wide, 100 ft. long radius of pure destruction, any creature caught in the beam take 1d8 damages/level (no save). Because of it nature, the holomaester may decide to exclude creatures and objects from being damaged, the beam ignore any cover or concealment unless it is granted by a force-effect.

Holographic Force (Sp): A 10th level holomaester is able to use telekinesis as a spell-like ability at will.

Holo-Lance (Su): A 11th level holomaester is capable of creating a large lance-like projectile of quasi-matter, the holo-lance possess a basic A.I allowing it make last seconds adjustments to course. As a standard action, the holomance make a ranged touch attack against a target within long range. Since the holo-lance possess it very own mind, should the holomaester miss she may reroll her attack roll once as the holo-lance adjust it course. The holo-lance deal 1d10 damages/holomaester level and may break force effects if it deal 5 damages/caster level to it. Like other holographic attack, a holo-lance ignore cover and concealment and may ignore any numbers of creature, objects and effects (such as allies or a wall) phasing right through them.

Teletech Adept (Su): A 11th level holomaester gain telepathy out of 100 feet.

Arcane Artisan: A holomaester of 12th level or higher can use her supernatural power to create magic items, even if she does not know the spells required to make an item (although he must know the appropriate item creation feat). She can substitute a Use Magic Device check (DC 15 + spell level for arcane spells or 25 + spell level for divine spells) in place of a required spells he doesn't know or can't cast.

If the check succeeds, the holomaester can create the item as if he had cast the required spell. If it fails, she cannot complete the item. She does not expend the XP or gp costs for making the item; his progress is simply arrested. She cannot retry this Use Magic Device check for that spell until he gains a new level.

Hologram Mastery: A 13th level holomaester is a true master of the holographic art, she may make a will save against any and all illusion within medium range without interacting with them as long as she can perceive them in some way.

Gauss Negator (Su): At 16th level, a holomaester may use a powerful holographic shock to rip apart matter atoms by atoms. The holomaester must succeed a ranged touch attack within medium range, if it hit the target take 2d6 damages/level and 1 point of constitution drain for each damages dealt this way. A successful fortitude save halves the damages and negate the constitution drain. Due to it holographic nature, Gauss Negator ignore all cover and destroy object and force effect as a disintegrate spell.

Holograph Transmutation (Su): A 17th level holomaester is capable of turning a creature in a powerless hologram. She may cast baleful polymorph at will as a supernatural ability, except the targeted creature is turned into an incorporeal hologram unable to interact physically with anything. After 24 hours the creature must make a will save or become mindless and slowly fade away within a year as it power wanes. Creature killed this way cannot be revived by any mean short of a wish or similar effects.

Holographic Retribution (Su): At 17th level, whenever a holomaester shield break it send a shockwave of energy around the holomaester. All creatures within the radius must make a reflex save or be knocked prone. Any damages over the shield hit point is dealt to the attacking creature instead.

Reality Grid (Ex): A 18th level, all holomaester supernatural abilities become extraordinary instead, all her spell-like abilities become supernatural abilities.

Holographic Gate (Ex): At 19th level, the holomaester may conjure a travel version of gate spell at will as a full-round action.

Holographic Immortality: At 20th level, the holomaester pretty much tranced mortality. She is forever an holograph, cease to age, becoming an outsideroutsider She no longer need to eat or drink or breath and gain construct immunities. She may also use all her holotech abilities at the same time.

Campaign InformationEdit

Playing a HolomaesterEdit

Religion: Holomaester, at least those that worship Gods tend to worship deities of magic and power.

Other Classes: Holomaester get along well with sorcerers and wizards, a both find each others abilities useful. Fighters and barbarians tend to see holomaester with suspicion because of their ability to deceive. Holomaesters and rogue tend to get along well enough, both are able to deceiver and place their strength in versatility. Holomaesters and clockwork knights tend to get along very well, as both use extremely similar sources for their abilities.

Combat: Holomaesters tend to stand back and blast enemies apart in combat with holo-blast and holo-grenades. They mostly take ranged attack roles in combat, but also do some battlefield control with perfect hologram and other illusion abilities. Their shield make them deceptively resilient

Advancement: Most Holomaesters take the class until 20th level.

Holomaester in the WorldEdit

Holographs are awesome.
—Jensai, Human Holomaester

Daily Life: Most holomaesters live the sorcerer or bard way of life, travelling and using their abilities to earn a living. Some prefer to be hermits and practice their magic in peace. In fact holomaesters are a pretty diversified group.

Notables: Saffront Charner, a holomaester using his skill to make wondrous pieces of arts that seem to come alive.

Organizations: Holomnacers are too rare and diversified to have any kind of notable organization.

NPC Reactions: Holomaesters are treated pretty much like wizard, but with shinny stuff. In low magic setting they are treated with scorn and distrust (although a holomaesters would be in a low-magic setting is beyond me) while in a high-magic setting they are treated with awe and respects..

Holomaesters LoreEdit

Characters with ranks in knowledge (arcana) can research holomaesters to learn more about them. When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, including information from lower DCs.

knowledge (Arcana)
DC Result
5 Holomaesters are able to make illusion and blast with strange energy.
10 Holomaesters use quasi-matter, most often seen as strange blue light that can take any form and exist in nearly unlimited amount.
15 Holomaesters are capable to transmutes matter into "holographic energy", an advanced holomaesters can ascend to a higher plane of being through the use of this energy.
20 Informations about a particular holomaester.

Holomaesters in the GameEdit

Holomaesters can be seen as eccentric rogueish magic-users, amazing the little folks with their ability to conjure almost real images with incredible eases. It is common for a holomaester to be an entertainer of renown, their abilities sadly also make them extremely able to make them legendary thieves with strange magical abilities.

Adaptation: Somekind of illusionist... or wholly technological. The concept is pretty hard to adapt in fact.

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