Certain swordsages from the Tiger Claw discipline have always been dissatisfied with it’s savage and brutal approach. Where is the flair in fighting like that, they questioned? Prestige and skills are acquired through elegance and style, not through simple butchery. After having been dismissed by the Tiger Claw, these like-minded adepts formed their own discipline from the remnants of their past. Because they knew their former comrades of the Tiger Claw would not allow it, the original masters of the Soaring Eagle never asked for readmission to the Temple of the Nine Swords, and by the time the masters of the Tiger Claw were banished the thought of acceptance at the Temple had long fled the minds of the Eagle’s new leaders. The discipline they created specializes in swift attacks of incredible speed, moving with a fluidity that, according to their claims, cannot be matched by the Tiger Claw or any other discipline. Despite the name being limited to the eagle, the discipline is inspired by all types of birds, which is reflected in the varied names of maneuvers. It also harnesses the power of the wind, granting mobility and versatility to their attack and defense. But even though they are now rivals of the Tiger Claw, it is difficult for anyone to fully let go of their roots, and as a result many masters of the Soaring Eagle also make use of Tiger Claw maneuvers.
Of the three normal Tome of Battle classes, only swordsages can learn maneuvers from the Soaring Eagle, which puts more emphasis on dexterity and agility than crusaders and warblades. Since Sleight of Hand is the key skill for the Soaring Eagle, the discipline is naturally more appealing to those with dexterous inclinations. The associated weapons of the Soaring Eagle are the bladed fan, war fan, kukri, and sickle, representative of the raptor‘s wings and ferocious talons.
Learning Maneuvers from the DisciplineEdit
Maneuvers of the Soaring Eagle DisciplineEdit
1st-Level ManeuversEdit
Soaring Eagle (Strike) | |
Level: | 1 |
Initiation Action: | 1 standard action |
Range: | Melee attack |
Target: | One or more creatures |
Duration: | Instantaneous |
Saving Throw: | None |
Your blade hacks through your opponents who, quaking in their boots at your approach, can do little to stop your onslaught.
You may unleash a vicious sweep with both weapons that not only attacks one opponent, but also any squares that you threaten that are immediately adjacent to the struck creature. Creatures in these squares are measure their AC separately against the user’s attack roll, and take half damage if hit. A creature that takes up multiple affected squares takes damage for each square they occupy.
Soaring Eagle (Stance) | |
Level: | 1 |
Initiation Action: | 1 swift action |
Range: | Personal |
Target: | You |
Duration: | Stance |
Wielding two weapons of the same kind, you feel in a perfectly balanced and natural state as the wind crosses over both evenly, granting you increased precision.
So long as you maintain this stance and dual-wielding two of the same weapon, you may reduce penalties incurred with two-weapon fighting by 2. This stance cannot reduce two-weapon fighting penalties below 0, nor can it reduce any penalties not incurred from two-weapon fighting.
Soaring Eagle (Stance) | |
Level: | 1 |
Initiation Action: | 1 swift action |
Range: | See text |
Target: | One creature |
Duration: | Stance |
You allow the wind to totally dictate your movement, moving you through empty space in a way you would never have though possible.
So long as you maintain this stance, you may levitate at will. All normal effects of levitation apply normally, but because this is an extraordinary ability it cannot be dispelled or suppressed.
Soaring Eagle (Counter) | |
Level: | 1 |
Initiation Action: | 1 immediate action |
Range: | Personal |
Target: | You |
Duration: | Instantaneous |
Saving Throw: | None |
As you fall, an equalizing rush of air sweeps under you to slow your descent. You feel as though you are on a cloud.
You may recreate the effects of a feather fall spell. In addition, when you are thrown backwards by an opponent’s attack, you may use this maneuver to control how far you fly, avoid being knocked prone, and avoid taking damage for ending your flight prematurely.
2nd-Level ManeuversEdit
Soaring Eagle (Boost) | |
Level: | 2 |
Initiation Action: | 1 swift action |
Range: | Personal |
Target: | One creature |
Duration: | Instantaneous |
When you strike with both of your weapons, you hit your foe again when he is at his most vulnerable like a vulture ready to swoop in on carrion.
In order to use this maneuver, you must be fighting with two weapons. If you hit with an attack from each weapon in the same turn, you deal additional damage to one opponent equal to your main hand weapon’s base damage + 1 ½ times your Strength modifier.
Soaring Eagle (Boost) | |
Level: | 2 |
Initiation Action: | 1 swift action |
Range: | Personal |
Target: | One target |
Duration: | 1 round |
Enthralled by the elegance of your movements, your foe remains completely transfixed on you, unable to do anything but stare and follow your dance.
As part of this maneuver, you designate an opponent within 30 feet and make a Sleight of Hand check. The opponent, who must be able to see, makes an opposed Spot roll against your check. If you are victorious, your opponent must succeed on a Will save (DC 12 + Dexterity modifier) or be dazed the until the beginning of your next turn.
3rd-Level ManeuversEdit
Scarlet Dusk (Stance) | |
Level: | 3 |
Initiation Action: | 1 swift action |
Range: | Personal |
Target: | You |
Duration: | Stance |
The further you move and the more momentum you gather, the less the air resists the bite of your blade and the more damage you inflict.
For every 20 feet you move during each of your turns while in this stance, melee attacks during that turn deal an additional +1d6 damage.
Soaring Eagle (Strike) | |
Level: | 3 |
Initiation Action: | 1 standard action |
Range: | Melee attack |
Target: | One creature |
Duration: | 1 round |
Saving Throw: | None |
Your attack is practically unnoticeable, so swift and subtle that it initially appears to have done nothing to your foe. When they attempt to move, the debilitating effects of your blow are felt in full.
You strike your opponent with a melee attack that deals no base damage or ability score-based damage (other forms of damage, such as damage acquired through stances or precision-based damage are still dealt), but instead incurs a -2 penalty to all die rolls on their next turn. If your attack roll is a critical hit, the penalty is doubled.
Soaring Eagle (Boost) | |
Level: | 3 |
Initiation Action: | 1 swift action |
Range: | Personal |
Target: | You |
Duration: | Instantaneous |
You are swept up by a gust of wind that propels you forward at high speed, allowing you complete control of your movement all the while.
As a swift action, you may move up to your base speed. This movement provokes attacks of opportunity normally, but you may make use of the Tumble skill as you would with any other movement.
Scarlet Dusk (Counter) | |
Level: | 3 |
Initiation Action: | 1 immediate action |
Range: | See text |
Target: | One creature |
Duration: | 1 turn |
Saving Throw: | None |
Your opponent‘s attack is snuffed out by a huge blast of wind that redirects even deadly gases that threaten you.
A sudden rush of wind comes up to separate you and your opponent, protecting you with the effects of a wind wall spell for the rest of the turn in which the maneuver was initiated.
4th-Level ManeuversEdit
Soaring Eagle (Strike) | |
Level: | 4 |
Initiation Action: | 1 full-round action |
Range: | Melee attack |
Target: | One creature |
Duration: | Instantaneous |
Saving Throw: | None |
Propelling yourself headlong into the fray, you brandish your weapons and, with a tremendous flourish of deft movements and steel you rip your target to shreds.
In order to execute this maneuver, you must be able to perform a charge attack. At the end of the charge, you make a Sleight of Hand check as part of the maneuver after dealing normal damage. If the result of your Sleight of Hand check exceeds the target’s AC, they take 1d6 points of damage per initiator level. Like precision-based damage, this damage cannot be multiplied by any means.
Soaring Eagle (Counter) | |
Level: | 4 |
Initiation Action: | 1 immediate action |
Range: | See text |
Target: | 1 creature |
Duration: | Instantaneous |
Saving Throw: | None |
You see your opponent attacking the second before he does, allowing to react to his strike with impeccable timing.
You gain the power of the prophetic bird of legends, briefly seeing into the future and anticipating your opponent’s next move. When an opponent rolls a successful attack roll against you, you may make a Sleight of Hand check as an immediate action. If the result of your check exceeds your opponent’s attack roll, their attack is nullified. If you are targeted by an effect that requires a saving throw, you instead gain an insight bonus on that save equal to your initiator level divided by four.
5th-Level ManeuversEdit
Soaring Eagle (Boost) | |
Level: | 5 |
Initiation Action: | 1 swift action |
Range: | See text |
Target: | See text |
Duration: | 1 round |
Saving Throw: | None |
Like a swarm of crows, you attack your opponent without pause and without mercy, taking every opportunity you can to land a solid hit.
You gain an additional attack with each weapon you are wielding at your highest base attack bonus that can be used at any time during the rest of your turn. If you do not use this attack during your turn, this maneuver is wasted.
Soaring Eagle (Strike) | |
Level: | 5 |
Initiation Action: | 1 standard action |
Range: | Melee attack |
Target: | One creature |
Duration: | Instantaneous |
Saving Throw: | Fortitude negates |
With a slash of your weapons, you release a gust of howling wind that hacks those in front of you and hurls them every which way.
This maneuver is a 30-foot cone that deals 5d6 damage. This wind creates a vacuum that prevents those caught within the cone from escaping, so there is no saving throw against this damage. After damage is resolved, all targets affected must succeed on a Fortitude save (DC 15 + your Dexterity modifier) or be hurled in a random direction (roll 1d4) a number of squares equal to your initiator level and be knocked prone. If their flight ends prematurely due to a collision with a solid object, they take 1d6 points for every square they had left to travel. If a thrown target hits another creature, they make opposing Strength checks. If the creature being flung wins the check, the maker of the opposed check is also sent flying a number of feet equal to the tossed creature, but if they lose their flight ends and they take damage normally, landing prone in the last square they were flung into.
6th-Level ManeuversEdit
Soaring Eagle (Counter) | |
Level: | 5 |
Initiation Action: | 1 immediate action |
Range: | See text |
Target: | 1 creature |
Duration: | Instantaneous |
Saving Throw: | None |
“Even if you manage to avoid the beak of the raptor, you will be drawn in by the rushing winds and its claws will tear you apart.”
You may use this maneuver whenever you can make an attack of opportunity against an opponent moving through your threatened space. At the cost of your attack of opportunity, you may force them make a Reflex save (DC 16 + your Dexterity modifier) or immediately stop moving, their progress halted by rushing wind. If they are forced to stop, you may make a free melee attack against them with each weapon you are holding at your highest base attack bonus.
Soaring Eagle (Stance) | |
Level: | 6 |
Initiation Action: | 1 swift action |
Range: | Personal |
Target: | You |
Duration: | Stance |
Your weapons are like natural extensions of your own arms, allowing you to epitomize the fighting style of the Soaring Eagle by striking with unmatched fluidity and grace.
This stance works just like birds of a feather, except you may now negate up to a -4 penalty from two-weapon fighting. In addition, all melee attacks that you make in this stance deal an additional 1d6 points of damage.
7th-Level ManeuversEdit
Soaring Eagle (Strike) | |
Level: | 7 |
Initiation Action: | 1 full-round action |
Range: | Melee attack |
Target: | One or more creatures |
Duration: | Instantaneous |
Saving Throw: | None |
Held aloft seemingly by a light breeze, you gyrate rapidly in midair, slicing everything around you to pieces with superhuman speed and power.
You can only use this maneuver if you are wielding at least two weapons. As a full-round action, you may make a single attack with each weapon you are wielding against every opponent within your natural reach. Each of these attacks are made at your highest base attack bonus, with normal penalties for fighting with two weapons if necessary. After normal damage is resolved, count the number of opponents that you hit with all attacks made against them (minimum 2) and deal 2d6 additional damage for each to every opponent that you successfully hit at least once. If an attacked opponent is slain by the attacks with which he was hit, you do not gain bonus damage from that target.
Soaring Eagle (Counter) | |
Level: | 7 |
Initiation Action: | 1 immediate action |
Range: | Melee attack |
Target: | One creature |
Duration: | Instantaneous |
Saving Throw: | None |
Few things are more dangerous than an angry raptor. Even with your wings clipped, you are a ferocious opponent capable of making your enemies share your pain.
You may use this maneuver when struck by a melee attack or melee touch attack. You may make a single melee attack as an immediate action. In addition to normal damage, the target of this attack takes bonus damage equal to the amount that you took from their attack.
Soaring Eagle (Boost) | |
Level: | 8 |
Initiation Action: | 1 swift action |
Range: | see text |
Target: | You |
Duration: | 1 turn |
A brilliant flash of steel catches your foe off surprise, allowing you to swoop in for the kill.
Designate an opponent who you threaten in melee and make a Sleight of Hand check; if the result of your check beats your opponent’s Spot check, they are considered flat-footed for all attacks you make against them for the rest of the current turn.
8th-Level ManeuversEdit
Soaring Eagle (Stance) | |
Level: | 8 |
Initiation Action: | 1 swift action |
Range: | Personal |
Target: | You |
Duration: | Stance |
While it would appear to the casual observer that your feet are still in contact with the ground, but in fact you are almost imperceptibly aloft. You are literally as free as a bird.
While in this stance, you tread almost completely unhindered by earthly concerns. You get a +30 bonus to your movement speed, the ability to ignore difficult terrain and effects that only pertain to ground-based opponents (such as earthquake and tremorsense), and the ability to avoid being tracked as a pass without trace spell. Lastly, you also gain the benefits of freedom of movement as long as you maintain the stance.
Soaring Eagle (Boost) | |
Level: | 8 |
Initiation Action: | 1 swift action |
Range: | Personal |
Target: | You |
Duration: | 1 turn |
Each of your attacks creates a rush of air that is capable of slicing flesh. Your swing causes great surprise to your opponents, who find themselves cut despite the distance between them.
You displace the air around you in order to attack foes with melee weapons at a distance. For the rest of the current turn, you may use melee attacks on opponents up to 20 feet away, and all of these attacks ignore hardness and damage reduction of any kind. You are considered to threaten any creature within 20 feet in melee, but this boost does not stack with any ability that increases reach.
Soaring Eagle (Boost) | |
Level: | 8 |
Initiation Action: | 1 swift action |
Range: | Personal |
Target: | You |
Duration: | 1 turn |
You feel a warm breeze sweep across your face, imbuing you with a sense of inner peace that allows your next attack to strike flawlessly.
Your next attack carries the effect of a true strike spell, granting you a +20 bonus to your next single attack roll. You also make a Sleight of Hand check as a part of this maneuver, and you add 1d6 points of damage to your next successful melee attack for every 5 points on the check.
9th-Level ManeuversEdit
Soaring Eagle (Strike) | |
Level: | 9 |
Initiation Action: | 1 standard action |
Range: | Melee attack |
Target: | One or more creatures |
Duration: | Instantaneous |
The destructive power of the raptor is fully unleashed from your hands in a flurry of attacks that cannot be seen with the naked eye. The momentum of your attacks is such that each propels you forward with a gust of tremendous wind power.
As the beginning of this maneuver, you make a Sleight of Hand check. For every 20 points of your check, you gain a single attack at your highest base attack bonus. If you have an off-hand weapon, you also gain attacks with your off-hand weapon so long as you have the Two-Weapon Fighting feats necessary to make that many off-hand attacks normally. Two-weapon fighting penalties apply normally to all of these attacks. If you wish, you may move 5 feet (provoking attacks of opportunity) in between each melee attack you make.