From Dungeons and Dragons Wiki
Pages using the property "Scalable"
Showing 25 pages using this property.
C | |
Circle of Death + | true + |
Circle of Death + | true + |
Cloud of Daggers + | true + |
Cloudkill + | true + |
Cloudkill + | true + |
Color Spray + | true + |
Color Spray + | true + |
Column of Ice + | true + |
Command + | true + |
Command + | true + |
Compulsion + | true + |
Cone of Cold + | true + |
Cone of Cold + | true + |
Confusion + | true + |
Confusion + | true + |
Conjure Animals + | true + |
Conjure Animals + | true + |
Conjure Barrage + | true + |
Conjure Celestial + | true + |
Conjure Celestial + | true + |
Conjure Creature + | true + |
Conjure Elemental + | true + |
Conjure Elemental + | true + |
Conjure Minor Elementals + | true + |
Conjure Minor Elementals + | true + |