Magi Chronicles RPG (4e Sourcebook)/Basics

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< Magi Chronicles RPG (4e Sourcebook)
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What is the Magi Chronicles RPG?

The Magi Chronicles RPG is a role-playing game set into the far future-- past the medieval times of D&D. It is a unique world all its own with lots of variability of exploration. It is one of the few games that offers variability in terms of customization and loads of seemingly endless gameplay with many worlds to explore at one's disposal.

Like that of D&D, the Magi Chronicles entails fictional events and activities that the GM, or in this case the Battlemaster, invents. Sort of like an endless budget of world creation, the Battlemaster constructs the world and brings in the monsters, structures, and various characters that the PC's (Players) can interact with. There is literally no end to the level of interaction between players and the many variables the GM brings in. The only limit I would say that would be in effect would be that the sky is the limit, though there is also the availability of vehicle to take control over-- whether on land, out at sea, or up in the air.

As it is a different type of role-playing game from D&D-- in terms of combat and schematics, many of the rules found in D&D also apply here, but some rules are modified to fit to the style of gameplay that makes up the world of the Magi Chronicles.

What Do I Need for Gameplay?

Pretty much all you need to join in on a Magi Chronicles game is a basic knowledge of the D&D core rules and this wiki. Since it can be read from anywhere, it's pretty much available to all. Since miniatures and tile sets don't exist for this type of game, it's pretty much anything that you have or that you can get your hands on. Use anything that represents your character or creatures that you use (it doesn't have to be exactly what you're looking for). For tilesets, anything will do as well. Some adventures will entail underground journeys, travelling through wild forests, voyaging through the oceans, and even exploring a lost kingdom or civilization that existed long ago.

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