User talk:Franken Kesey/Elemental Ascendant (3.5e Class)/Old

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Revision as of 15:47, 25 March 2012 by (talk) (transferring out of sandbox)
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Powers into Spells

Any suggestions for the more unique powers would be most appriciated. --Franken Kesey 18:44, 24 March 2012 (UTC)

SRD:Sympathy and Antipathy are too high in level to replace Attraction and Aversion, are there any weaker spell replacements in other publications?

transferring out of sandbox

Are there any objections to this being placed on the main nav, due to reasons of completeness or balance?

Incomplete - The X ability at level 13 is missing. - 15:47, 25 March 2012 (UTC)