Talk:Tattooed Monk (3.5e Feat)

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RatedLike.png ThunderGod Cid likes this article and rated it 3 of 4.
Not gonna lie, I suggested that this feat be made, but I admire the execution of it. The ability to not only give scaling feats in the Tome of Prowess style but also to give the taker of the feat an array of choices that each give their own potential flavor is very nifty, and I like what's been going on with this feat and others like it. As an addendum, I want to see a honey badger tattoo.

RatedLike.png idkwhatmynameis likes this article and rated it 3 of 4.
The choices are balanced with each other, as far as I've seen, it gives you plenty of options for any character, and I can make a manbearturtletigerphoenix. Just imagine it.
LikedThunderGod Cid + and idkwhatmynameis +