Template:3.5e Maneuver

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Template documentation (for the above template, sometimes hidden or invisible)

This template is similar to Template:3.5e Spell, but it works for martial maneuvers instead.


Parameter List^
Parameter Required Description
name Yes The name of your maneuver.
discipline Yes The discipline your maneuver belongs to; ex: "Desert Wind". Now accepts multiple disciplines.
type No Type of maneuver; one of "Boost", "Counter", "Rush", "Stance", or "Strike".
desc No Maneuver descriptors, separated by commas; ex: "Fire, Mind-Affecting".
lvl Yes The maneuver's level, and only the level; ex: "1".
prereq No The maneuver's prerequisites, if any; ex: "Two Desert Wind maneuvers".
initiation Yes The type of action it takes to initiate the maneuver. You can either write out the action in full, or use short keywords instead: "swift", "immediate", "standard", and "full".
range Yes The maneuver's range. What you put here is going to be affected by your choice of the next parameter. Examples: "Personal", "30'".
tsea Yes Targeting information. Put t to get "Target", ts to get "Targets", e to get "Effect", and a to get "Area". These can be combined; te and et become "Target or Effect"; tea becomes "Target, Effect, or Area", etc.
subj Yes What comes after the the above tsea parameter in the maneuver description. What you put here is going to depend on what you put in tsea: an appropriate subj for Area would be "Cone"; an appropriate subj for Target would be "Five creatures".
dur No The duration of the maneuver, if it is not an instantaneous effect.
save No The maneuver's saving throw, if any.
summary Yes The short maneuver description that will appear on the maneuver list pages.
fluff No Flavor text or lore of the maneuver.
text No Rules of the maneuver.


Binding Constrictor[edit]

{{3.5e Maneuver
|name=Binding Constrictor
|discipline=Chthonic Serpent
|range=Melee attack
|subj=One creature; see text
|summary=On a successful attack, start a grapple as a free action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. Gain +1 to Grapple check per two initiator levels. Maintain Grapple at distance.

turns into the following:

Binding Constrictor
Chthonic Serpent (Strike)
Level: 1
Initiation Action: 1 standard action
Range: Melee attack
Target: One creature; see text
Saving Throw: None

Hypercane of Puns[edit]

Used to show the optional |fluff= and |text= attributes.

{{3.5e Maneuver
|name=Hypurrcane of Puns
|discipline=Pungeon Pendragon
|prereq=Four Pungeon Pendragon maneuvers
|summary=Become an objectionable subject to air walk and haste. Grow whiskeys.
|fluff=Shouting and mumbling and babbling semi-coherently your Truespeech seems almost garbled while you speak so fast it is totally abnormal.
|text=You defy gravity while in this stance, becoming able to choose any surface you stand on to be ‘down’ for you. You gain a +10 bonus on Jump checks and can walk on water and surfaces that are otherwise not enough to hold your weight. Furthermore, you act as if affected by haste (which further increases your Jump checks).

Hypurrcane of Puns
Pungeon Pendragon (Stance)
Level: 8
Prerequisite: Four Pungeon Pendragon maneuvers
Initiation Action: Swift
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Stance
Saving Throw: None
Shouting and mumbling and babbling semi-coherently your Truespeech seems almost garbled while you speak so fast it is totally abnormal.

You defy gravity while in this stance, becoming able to choose any surface you stand on to be ‘down’ for you. You gain a +10 bonus on Jump checks and can walk on water and surfaces that are otherwise not enough to hold your weight. Furthermore, you act as if affected by haste (which further increases your Jump checks).