Legendary Bat (3.5e Monster)

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Author: Aarnott (talk)
Date Created: 20:55, 19 December 2011 (UTC)
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This monster is balanced to fit in a high level of balance game. I have taken the liberty of not using the standard D&D rules for determining various statistics for this monster. As a result, it may seem a bit stronger (or weaker) than some SRD monsters of the same CR and that is fine. I think it will pose an appropriate challenge for characters of its CR.

Legendary Bat[edit]

Legendary Bat

CR 4

N Medium Animal
Init/Senses +6/Blindsight 40ft.; Listen +8, Spot +8
AC 21, touch 17, flat-footed 19; +4 AC against attacks of opportunity
hp 40 (4 HD)
Resist 10 of energy affinity type
Fort/Ref/Will +6/+8/+7
Speed 15 ft. (3 squares), fly 40 ft. (good, 8 squares)
Melee +13 Bite (1d6 + 1d6 of energy affinity type + 5)
Space/Reach 5 ft./5 ft.
Base Atk/Grp +4/+6
Atk Options Vampiric Bite, Sneak Attack +2d6
Abilities Str 17, Dex 20, Con 17, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 6
Skills Hide +10, Move Silently +10
Energy Affinity (Ex) A legendary bat has an energy affinity chosen from the following types: acid, cold, electricity, fire, magic, negative energy, or positive energy. Its affinity grants it a bonus 1d6 damage of that energy type to all its natural weapons and resist 10 to that energy type.
Vampiric Bite (Ex) What did you expect? It is a giant bat. It will drain your blood. Whenever a legendary bat attacks, it must slow down and hover to latch its fangs into the target (no flyby attacks for this bad boy). Whenever it hits with its bite attack, it heals 4 hitpoints.
Sneak Attack +2d6 (Ex) As the Rogue class feature.
One with the Shadows (Su) As a move action, a legendary bat can teleport between areas of shadow within 100 ft. The limitation is that the magical transport must begin and end in an area with at least some shadow, but otherwise, the legendary bat may use this ability as often as it likes. Whenever it uses this ability, it may make an immediate hide check.
Call of the Wild (Su) Legendary bats live in dense forests and caves with a flock of hundreds of other dire bats and vampire bats. The most common flock size is 5 Dire Bats and 4 Bat Swarms. If a legendary bat is encountered without his flock, he may call any number of them to his aid as a full-round action. This results in the combatants being teleported into any unoccupied squares of his choice within 120ft. These creatures can begin acting at the end of the legendary bat's next turn and are flat-footed until then. These creatures are not summons, and increase the EL appropriately.

Legendary bats lead large flocks of vampire bats and dire bats to hunt blood in dense forests and dark caves. They are not usually killers and instead prefer to drain enough blood to force their victims to recover nearby. Legendary bats often will direct their brethren to feed until a creature can barely stand and then bring it to a place where it can recover, feeding on it again once it is well. As a result, these bats are somewhat like farmers. They also don't hesitate to turn humanoids into their livestock.

Although it is as intelligent as a human, a legendary bat cannot speak any languages.

Strategies and Tactics[edit]

A legendary bat will often call its brethren if it sees opportunity for an easy meal. It uses hit and run tactics, like dire bats, but will also teleport between shadows to strike from unexpected places.

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