User:Spazalicious Chaos/The Book of Frenzied Warfare (3.5e Sourcebook)/True Frenzy
True Frenzy[edit]
The list of manuevers in FIGHT!!! is not comprehensive. Not by a long shot. However, they are the most general and applicable in a wide variety of combat scenarios. What follows are narrower, specialized manuevers usable by anyone who can meet the prerequisites. Before you accuse me of ripping off of skill tricks, bear in mind they are useable whenever, not once an encounter like skill tricks are. Also, each manuever has a trigger; a requirement that must be present for the manuever to work. Finally, ANYONE can use these, for they cost nothing but being stuck in a shitty and/or awesome situation. Each of these manuevers is formatted thus:
- Name- not really important; a rose is a rose and all that.
- Prerequisites- basic qualifications your character must have; you can't expect any dork to be able to spiderman their way across walls.
- Trigger- outside factors that must be present for the manuever to be used, be they environmental, prepared as an action, or set off by something else.
- Manuever- the actual crunch itself, with how it works and what needs to be done, as well as final effects of success or failure.
Environmental Manuevers[edit]
These manuevers can only be used in particular environments, using surrounding features to attack or evade.
Wall Run[edit]
- Prerequisites: Tumble 10 ranks, Jump 8 ranks, Balance 8 ranks
- Trigger: Path of travel for running or a double move can include a reasonably flat and level verticle surface.
- Manuever: You may move up to one quarter of your movement for that turn on a verticle surface. If the movement ends on this surface, this manuever must be used again or you fall. Trying to move over one quarter of you movement on a verticle surface also results in falling. This does not provoke attacks of opportunity outside those provoked by normal double moves or running.
Hall Splits[edit]
- Prerequisites: Balance 5 ranks, Climb 5 ranks, Jump 5 ranks
- Trigger: In between two or more verticle surfaces close enough that your outstretched legs can reach oppisite sides.
- Manuever: You can occupy a space above your own on a DC 15 Jump check taken as a move action. You gain higher ground against your targets and characters your size or smaller may freely move beneath you, though they can provoke attacks of opportunity from you.
Swinging Charge[edit]
- Prerequisites: Tumble 6 ranks, Climb 8 ranks, Use Rope 6 ranks
- Trigger: Securely in place free dangling object with sufficient legnth/placement to facillate your begining point and destination.
- Manuever: You may use convientient dangling objects to facillitate movement as if moving normally, including charges. If the object was not long enough or well placed enough to allow your action, you will either crash (taking damage as if you fell the distance moved) if too low, pass overhead (continuing as if you took a double move or run pass your destination) if too high, or swing back (take the remainder of your movement this round repeating the course you took in reverse) if it fell short of your destination.
Take Cover[edit]
- Prerequisites: Dodge, Mobility, Tumble 6 ranks
- Trigger: Adjacent to an object that could provide cover.
- Manuever: When using Dodge defense or taking a Reflex save, you may take a five foot step to hide behind the cover and take all bonuses that cover could have provided. Once performed, you must stay behind this cover to benefit from it unless this manuever is reset by staying adjacent to it.
Rat Charge[edit]
- Prerequisites: Escape Artist 10 ranks, Jump 8 ranks, Balance 8 ranks
- Trigger: Movement must pass through a space only large enough for a creature one size smaller than you can get through.
- Manuever: During the move you can pass through a space large enough for a creature ons size smaller than you to get through without squeezing or other interuptions of your movement. Only one such space can be permitted per move, spaces past the first still must be squeezed through.
Drop Attack[edit]
- Prerequisites: Jump 8 ranks, Tumble 8 ranks
- Trigger: Higher elevation above your target sufficient to cause falling damage.
- Manuever: If you successfully drop down on your targets space as part of a charge, you deal additional damage equal to the ammount you reduced from your fall.
Rogue's Blink[edit]
- Prerequisites: Hide 8 ranks, Slight of Hand 10 ranks
- Trigger: Successful Dodge defense adjacent to sufficient hiding space.
- Manuever: If you take your five foot step to step behind the hiding space, you make an immediate Hide check, opposed by your attackers Spot check. Success indicates the target has lost sight of you, and is considered suprised by your next attack... unless you alert him to your pressence beforehand.
Structural Attack[edit]
- Prerequisites: Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering) 10 ranks, Search 10 ranks
- Trigger: Near a Fortification that has taken at least 20% damage.
- Manuever: Make an attack roll against the Fortification versus your intended targets AC+the Fortifications DR. Success deals more damage to the Fortification as well as the same damage to your target as the structure cracks and spews chunks or drops debris.
Setting the Trap[edit]
- Prerequisites: Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering) 5 ranks, Tumble 5 ranks, Dodge
- Trigger: Adjacent to an object you want attacked.
- Manuever: On a successful Dodge defense, the attacker deals damage to a object your were adjacent to. Any abilities that would be set off by attacking, touching or moving into the objects threatened space are set off.
Wrong Target[edit]
- Prerequisites: Sense Motive 5 ranks, Tumble 5 ranks, Dodge
- Trigger: Adjacent to a creature you want attacked.
- Manuever: On a successful Dodge defense, the attacker makes an attack off opportunity on a creature adjacent to you. This creature has any and all normal defenses against this attack as it would if it were the original target.
Special Target Manuevers[edit]
These manuevers allow special options for fighting enemies of various degrees, often using their own abilities against them.
Crucial Taunt[edit]
- Prerequisites: Bluff 8 ranks
- Trigger: The target has not attacked you since the begining of combat and is intelligent.
- Manuever: The target of this manuever must make a successful Sense Motice chack against your opposed Bluff check. Failure indicates he attacks you on his next action. I unable to do so, he will attempt to position himself to attack you for a number of rounds equal to the difference between his Sense Motive and your Bluff check results.
Multi-Headed Step-Child[edit]
- Prerequisites: Cleave, Great Cleave, Spot or Sense Motive 8 ranks
- Trigger: Readied against the attack of a multi-headed monster.
- Manuever: If you are targeted by one or more bite attacks from a multi-headed monster, make an attack roll against each head attacking you. Unless other effects are stated, each head that takes damage is Stunned, unable to make attacks for 1 round.
Bad Monster! No Villager![edit]
- Prerequisites: Handle Animal 10 ranks, Intimidate 12 ranks
- Trigger: Target is of animal intelligence and suseptible to subdual damage.
- Manuever: Make an attack roll using Handle Animal. A successful hit deals only subdual damage but leaves the target Shaken. Intimidate checks made by you will leave thae target Frightened then Panicked, but it will not run, only cower.
Trap Jaw[edit]
- Prerequisites: Improved Lock, Clever Wrestling, Str 15+
- Trigger: Readied a Lock manuever against a bite attack from creature with Improved Grab.
- Manuever: On a successful lock you are Held in the creatures mouth, but otherwise able to act from your position normally, gaining all advantages of higher ground, able to attack the creatures Surprise defense on all attacks, and continuosly disabling that creature from biting.
Reel-In Charge[edit]
- Prerequisites: Clever Wrestling, Dex 13+, BAB+5, Use Rope 4 ranks
- Trigger: Sucessfully hit by a creature with Improved Grab with it's grabbing attack
- Manuever: Upon being hit, you may forfiet all actions this turn to make a charge against the creature that grabed you, dealing damage using the higher of the creatures or your own strength. The creature must make a Will save vs DC (5+damage dealt) to hold on afterwards.
Counter Spell[edit]
- Prerequisites: Caster level 1+, Spellcraft 5 ranks
- Trigger: Readied against a creature using a spell or spell like ability.
- Manuever: By expending a spell of your choice, you may make a opposed Caster Level check against the creature casting the spells. Using an identical or opposed spell grants a +2 to the check of the counter spelling caster. Casters with Improved Counter Spell gain this bonus for casting a spell of the same school and a +4 bonus when using an identical or opposed spell. Success is rated as follows:
- CLC 10+ over loser The spell is cancelled and reflected upon the caster, who suffers (or gains) all the effects of the spell in addition to the effects of the spell cast by the winning caster.
- CLC 5-9 over loser The spell is cancelled and reflected upon the caster, who suffers (or gains) all effects of the spell she has cast.
- CLC 1-4 over loser The spell is cancelled.
- CLC 0 over loser Both spells go off at the same time, with all the normal effects they would have otherwise.
- Prerequisites: BAB +1, Improved Unarmed Strike or natural attacks
- Trigger: Sharing a space with a creature smaller than you that is not Held.
- Manuever: By making a single successful attack against the creature, the attack is treated as a Heavy Assault. Heavy Assaults used double their distance.
Duck Under[edit]
- Prerequisites: Tumble 10 ranks, Dodge, Mobility
- Trigger: Charging a creature 1 or more sizes larger than you.
- Manuever: Your charge can pass through the targets space, ending on the oppisite side. You do not gain the bonus damage, but enjoy any side effects of your new position. In addition, you do not count as being the creatures target after moving through his space. Finally, the charge does not provoke an attack of opportunity from your target.
Underbelly Squater[edit]
- Prerequisites: Tumble 8 ranks, Sense Motive 8 ranks
- Trigger: Target is 2 or more sizes larger than you.
- Manuever: By making a Tumble check to bypass your target, you may instead share his space. He can not attack except with trample, crush or the Punt manuever and all attacks target his Surprise defense. This can be maintained each round by readying a move action to move when your target moves.
- Prerequisites: Escape Artist 8 ranks, Slight of Hand 8 ranks, Strength 13+
- Trigger: Readied while Held by a creature with multiple attacks.
- Manuever: On a successful Escape Artist check, you cause one attack the creature holding you attempted to target you with to hit the creature itself, dealing damage and forcing it to let you go if it fails a Will save. The DC is 5+half the damage dealt.
Tactical Manuevers[edit]
These manuevers need a friend to assist, and as a result have two or more sets of prerequisites. Those that list only one set imply that all participating characters need to have the listed prerequisites.
Aid Another, Defense[edit]
- Prerequisites: None
- Trigger: Readied for an ajacent ally who is targeted by an attack.
- Manuever: As a standard action you grant your Shield bonus to an allys Defense. Using Defensive and Evasive Parry or Combat Expertise also grant their benefits to your ally.
Dual Assualt[edit]
- Prerequisites: BAB +1, Sense Motive 5 ranks
- Trigger: Readied by two or more allies against the same target.
- Manuever: Regardless of how they attack, both allies gain flanking bonuses to their attack rolls. In addition, the attacks happen in the same action at the lowest participants initiative count, thus the attacks are counted as a single attack for the purposes of damage reduction and other effects, though resistence to energy still reduces the damage of attacks that deal the type of damage in question.
Fling Ally[edit]
- Prerequisites: Str 15+, Power Attack, BAB +4
- Prerequisites: Tumble 8 ranks, one or more sizes smaller than ally
- Trigger: Adjacent to ally an readied as action
- Manuever: The stronger ally picks up the smaller as a move action and makes a ranged touch attack. Success on this attack allows the flung ally to make a charge attack at the throwers Strength bonus. The range increment for this attack is 5 feet+ 5 for every 15 pounds the smaller ally is under the light carrying capacity for the thrower.
Force Cover[edit]
- Prerequisites: Base Reflex +4, Dodge, Mobility
- Prerequisites: None (see below)
- Trigger: Adjacent ally targeted by an attack or an area effect that allows a Reflex save
- Manuever: The qualified character subtracts 4 from her own Reflew save or Defense, then moves into her allies space while pushing her ally away up to her reach. If the result of the acting characters Defense or Reflex save is lower than the original attack/DC, the original target is still hit. If equal to or higher, the acting character takes the damage instead of the chosen ally. If higher by 5 or more points, neither character is affected.
Triangle Spread[edit]
- Prerequisites: Sense Motive 8 ranks, Intimidate 8 ranks
- Trigger: All involved characters are equidistant from each other and their target, readied as an action.
- Manuever: Each character Charges the target, who may only make attacks of opportunity against one of the attackers of his choice. Optionally, each character makes a ranged attack against the target, who is forced to use his Surprise Defense against all but one attack of his choice.
- Special: This manuever can be countered in it's melee form by readying a Cleave attack. In it's ranged form, any cover bonuses allows the target to use his full Defense against all attacks.
Attack Pack[edit]
- Prerequisites: Ride 10 ranks, Mounted Combat
- Prerequisites: One size or more larger than riding character
- Trigger: Move action for riding character to mount second character.
- Manuever: The rider holds on to his chosen mount and they both act at the same time, using the larger characters move. While acting in this way, neither character can be flanked and they both share the same space for purposes of moving, grappling and reach.
Topple Ganger[edit]
- Prerequisites: Str 13+, Power Attack
- Prerequisites: Tumble 5 ranks, Balance 5 ranks
- Trigger: Flanking a target no more than one size larger than the Tumble character.
- Manuever: On a successful Heavy Assault from the stronger character, the tumble character makes an immediate Tumble check against the targets Balance check. Success leaves the target Prone in addition to the normal effects of a Heavy Assault.
Spell Shield[edit]
- Prerequisites: Caster level 3+, Combat Casting
- Prerequisites: Combat Reflexes
- Trigger: Readied as an action by the defender while adjacent to the caster.
- Manuever: While the caster casts the spell, the defending character may take an attack of opportunity against every creature that makes an attack of opportunity against the caster. A successful hit means the attack of opportunity fails to hit the caster.
- Prerequisites: Str 15+, Jump 8 ranks
- Prerequisites: Jump 8 ranks, Balance 8 ranks, Tumble 8 ranks
- Trigger: Adjacent and readied as an action.
- Manuever: The stronger character uses the Aid Another action for the second characters Jump check using his Strength. Success adds to the resulting Jump check by [(Result-10)/2).
Rope Tricks[edit]
- Prerequisites: Use rope 8 ranks, Sense Motive 6 ranks
- Trigger: Two allies handling oppisite ends of the same rope or chain.
- Manuever: Each movement taken by either ally either trips or entangles anything in betwen the two on a sucessful Use Rope check by the acting player, opposed by the targets choice of Tumble or Balance. In addition, any manuever performed with the rope is treated as benefiting from Aid Another.
Special Weapons Manuevers[edit]
These manuevers require expert use of specific weapons.
- Prerequisites: Power Attack, Cleave, Str 15+
- Trigger: Use of Cleave on a target with a one handed or larger peircing weapon.
- Manuever: Your Cleave attack instead targets the space behind the first target. If it is a structure and it deals damage, the original target is now Held by the structure. If the target is another creature and a hit is scored, both targets are Held. If the target is large enough that it occupies the space behind the one you face, it instead takes double damage. The Held condition can be made continuous if the weapon is dropped after the attack. It takes a First Aid use of the Heal check to remove the impaling weapon, failure or ripping out the weapon as a move action deals more damage as per a hit.
Arc Splash[edit]
- Prerequisites: Weapon Finesse, Combat Expertise
- Trigger: Using a liquid based splash weapon.
- Manuever: You make a ranged attack roll with the splash weapon, which sets the DC for a Reflex save made bay all creatures within a 10 ft half circle of you.
- Prerequisites: Bluff 8 ranks, Dex 13+
- Trigger: Using a light thrown weapon or item of any kind on a target that is aware of you.
- Manuever: Make a Bluff check as an attack on the target, which must make an opposed Sense Motive check. Success indicates that the target gives up one attack to catch the thrown item.
Raid Throw[edit]
- Prerequisites: Powerful Throw, Dex 15+, Str 15+
- Trigger: Using a one handed or larger bladed weapon.
- Manuever: You make a ranged attack roll as an attack, which sets the DC for a Reflex save that must be taken by one creature within one range increment of the attack as well as all intercepting cratures. On a failed save the target is either prone or takes damage. The attacker must choose at the begining of the attack whether targets are prone or take damage, and all targets affected suffer the same effect on a failed save.
Concealing Debris[edit]
- Prerequisites: Power Attack, Combat Expertise
- Trigger: Adjacent to an object you can destroy in one hit of one size smaller than you or larger, using a one handed or larger bludeoning weapon.
- Manuever: You make an attack roll against the object. If destroyed, you gain concealment against the next attack to target you.
Tack Board[edit]
- Prerequisites: BAB +10, Weapon Skill (current weapon) 12 ranks (Campaigns that do not use Weapon Skills instead substitute Weapon Focus and Weapon Specialization)
- Trigger: Using ranged peircing weapon against a target adjacent to a hard surface.
- Manuever: On a successful attack roll you deal no damage but instead leave the target Held by the chosen target surface. Multiple hits add +1 to the effective strength of the holding surface per hit after the first.
Cloud Shot/Throw[edit]
- Prerequisites: Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, Many Shot
- Trigger: Spend double the reloading time loading or drawing 10 units of ammunition.
- Manuever: You fire or throw your load at an area within one range increment, rolling a normal attack at -5 in addition to Many Shot penalties, either a 5 ft long 20 ft wide area or a 10 by 10 square. Creatures in that area must make a Reflex save against your attack roll. Success indicates they take half standard weapon damage, failure results in full damage.
Blade Climb[edit]
- Prerequisites: Climb 10 ranks, Str 13+, Dex 13+
- Trigger: Grappling or in a hold with a larger creature and using light peircing weapons.
- Manuever: On a successful attack roll, you may climb up your target. The target is considered a violently moving surface with pitons (your weapons) for the purposes of making Climb checks. To get anywhere an attack roll must be made to place a new weapon hold.
Blade Expert[edit]
- Prerequisites: BAB +5, Int 13+, Combat Expertise
- Trigger: Using any slashing or peircing weapon.
- Manuever: When using a slashing weapon, you add "or peircing" to it's damage type. When using a peircing weapon, you add "or slashing" to it's damage type. This manuever has no effect on multityped weapons.
Double Rip[edit]
- Prerequisites: Two Weapon Fighting, Improved Two Weapon Fighting, Str 13+
- Trigger: Successful Impale manuever with both weapons.
- Manuever: As a Standard action, you twist and rip out both weapons, dealing double weapon damage with each weapon. You may forgo this double damage with one or both weapons, dealing instead standard damage and your choice of 1 point Strength or Dexterity damage.
Monster Manuevers[edit]
Maybe... just maybe... monsters need bloodshed too. It would be the very rare player character that can use these manuevers.
Slicing Sweep[edit]
- Prerequisites: Tail Sweep attack, Huge or larger, Cleave, Great Cleave
- Trigger: Using Tail Sweep on an area containing a structure or object.
- Manuever: Your Tail Sweep passes through the structure, dealing damage to the structure and those inside it. The damage against the structure is multiplied for every 10 feet it passes through.
Batter Up[edit]
- Prerequisites: Improved Grab or Rock Throwing, Large or larger
- Trigger: Successfully grabbed a target two or more sizes smaller than you.
- Manuever: You toss the victim into the air as a move action, causing the Airborne condition. You then make a single attack that is counted as a Heavy Assault, with all effects thereof multiplied by the difference in size categories between you and your target. The victim takes falling damage in addition to the standard damage equal to the maximum height of the toss.
Explosive Entrance[edit]
- Prerequisites: Burrowing speed, Huge or larger
- Trigger: Take the Charge action while burrowing.
- Manuever: Whether you hit or not, when you break the surface all creatures within your reach must make a Reflex save or be knocked prone. In addition, you choke the air with debris, granting concealment for one round.
Diving Force[edit]
- Prerequisites: Fly speed with Good or better manueverability, Power Attack, Dex 15+, Tumble 10 ranks
- Trigger: Within double your Fly movement or less above your target, but farther than half your Fly movement.
- Manuever: You make a downward Charge that inflicts the Airborne condition on you towards your target and suddenly stop and attack, dealing falling damage equal to the distance you charged in addition to the damage and normal effects of a Charge. You take Half this falling damage as recoil if you have Good manueverability, or one quarter if you have Perfect manueverability. The Airborne condition goes away after the attack.
Wall Landing[edit]
- Prerequisites: Climb speed, Tumble 10 ranks, Balance 8 ranks
- Trigger: Path of forced movement is intercepted by a surface you can climb.
- Manuever: On a successful Tumble check (DC as per reducing fall damage) after being moved into a wall (or ceiling), you take no damage and can act normally on your turn. Features on the wall that would deal additional damage, such as spikes, may still deal damage unless an exceptional success was scored.
Massive Strikes[edit]
- Prerequisites: Huge or larger
- Trigger: Using one handed or larger weapons sized for you or natural attacks.
- Manuever: Your attacks are area attacks, targeting a number of 5x5 ft spaces equal to your size based attack penalty. This space must be continous but may be of any shape appropriate to the attack (bursts for bites, bludgeoning and slams, lines for tail, tentacle and slashing, etc.) Your attack roll sets the DC for Reflex saves made by creatures in the area, unless they can use a Dodge Defense to leave the area. Successful saves result in half damage.
Chunky Shield[edit]
- Prerequisites: Envelop or similar ability
- Trigger: Contain an enveloped creature and readied a defensive or evasive actions.
- Manuever: The creature you have enveloped now provides a shield bonus equal to it's sive penalty to defense+2 (simply reverse positive and negative modifiers and add 2). A near miss also automatically hits the enveloped creature, dealing standard damge.
Porjectile Vomit[edit]
- Prerequisites: Swollow Whole ability
- Trigger: Currently contain swollowed creature and have been hit critically.
- Manuever: In response to a critical hit, you may take an immediate action to vomit up one swollowed creature. This is a ranged touch attack with range wquivilent of a Short range spell (treat HD as level). Both the swollowed creature and the creature hit take damage as per a falling object of the vomited creatures weight and additional damage as per that dealt by the creatures digestive process. Only one such creature my be expelled per critical hit.
Snap Expansion[edit]
- Prerequisites: Power Attack, Improved Bullrush, must have wings
- Trigger: On the ground and taken as a full attack.
- Manuever: The creatures space increases by one size for it's turn. This does not effect any statistics, but the new space is considered occupied by the creature until the end of it's turn. Creatures in the expansion area are pushed out as per a Bullrush, and creatures that fail to resist a Bullrush attempt by the creature fall prone.
Back Crawler[edit]
- Prerequisites: Two or more sizes smaller than target, Improved Grapple and/or Dodge, Dex 15+
- Trigger: Grappling target.
- Manuever: While grappling your target you gain the benefits of improved cover, even from the target you are grappling. Creatures that near miss attacking you always hit your target.