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CR —

male kenku gestalt monk 1/ninja 2/swordsage 1
LE medium humanoid (kenku)
Init/Senses +6/low-light vision, trapfinding; Listen +7, Spot +3
Languages Common, Kenku, Goblin
AC 18, touch 18, flat-footed 13; dodge
(+5 dexterity, +3 wisdom)
hp 17 (2 HD)
Fort/Ref/Will +4/+8/+7
Speed 30 ft.
Melee gauntlets +0 (1d6-2, 20/×2) or
Melee 2 claws -1 (1d3-2, 20/×2)
Base Atk/Grp +1/-2
Atk Options flurry of blows (1 attack, -2 penalty), stunning fist 1/day, sudden strike 1d6
Special Actions ki power 4/day (ghost step)
swordsage Maneuvers and Stances Known (IL 1st):
Stances—island of blades (flank with any ally adjacent to target, not just directly across)
Strikes—clinging shadow strike&#134; (single attack, 1d6 extra damage, give opponent 20% miss chance on all attacks for 1 round, fort DC 11+wis negates miss chance, supernatural), shadow blade technique&#134; (attack twice, use higher for normal damage or lower for 1d6 extra cold damage, supernatural)
Disciplines: Shadow Hand
&#134; Readied maneuver
Abilities Str 6, Dex 20, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 8
SQ great ally (+3 instead of +2 when giving or receiving aid another, +4 flanking bonus), mimicry (can imitate familiar sounds perfectly, bluff opposed by sense motive to imitate specific voice), quick to act +1 (bonus to init, already factored in)
Feats improved unarmed strike, stunning fist, dodge, weapon focus (shadow hand)
Skills balance 0 ranks + 4 ability + 2 synergy = 6, bluff 5 ranks - 1 ability = 4, diplomacy 0 ranks - 1 ability + 2 synergy = 1, disguise 0 ranks - 1 ability = -1 (+2 synergy = 1 to act in character), escape artist 5 ranks + 4 ability = 9, hide 5 ranks + 4 ability + 2 racial = 11, intimidate 0 ranks - 1 ability + 2 synergy = 1, jump 0 ranks - 1 ability + 2 synergy = 1, listen 4 ranks + 3 ability = 7, martial lore 1 rank + 1 ability = 2, move silently 5 ranks + 4 ability + 2 racial = 11, sleight of hand 5 ranks + 4 ability + 2 synergy = 11, tumble 5 ranks + 4 ability = 9, use rope 0 ranks + 4 ability = 4 (+2 synergy = 6 involving bindings)
Possessions gauntlets, magic bedroll

HP (2d8=13)

Tik was hatched in a coastal kenku village, fathered by the local basketweaver. His father became a widower soon after the hatching, when Tik's mother committed suicide. A note had been left, but there was a strange manner of wording that was out of character for the woman. Unbeknownst (but suspected) by the other villagers, Tik's father had forced her to write the note and then killed her.

From an early age, Tik was taught by his father to think of himself first, because everyone else did the same. He was resistant at first to his father's wishes that he hide his malicious nature, but quickly learned the benefits of being thought of as a polite, well-behaved boy.

As Tik grew, he honed his eavesdropping skills so that whenever he wanted something he couldn't otherwise have, he could just blackmail someone for it. However, his father eventually became aware of this, and tried to put a stop to it, calling it too risky. At this point, Tik's father's parenting technique of teaching a self-first attitude backfired when Tik lethally poisoned his father.

Tik was never suspected as the murderer, due to his careful blackmailing of those who would speak out against him and the ignorance by most of the town of his malicious nature. However, his plan did backfire on him; the village elders decided to have the boy sent to a monastery, as nobody in the village could take him.

When he got to the monastery, he tried the same manipulations as he did at home. Blackmail didn't work, as the monks were too humble to care much what secrets he revealed. He resorted to simple and blatant refusal to cooperate or do any work. This also didn't work, because, having not helped to prepare for the meals, he was not allowed to partake of them. Eventually, he began to cooperate and train as he was expected to.

Throughout his training, he deviated from the normal techniques as much as he could to still be effective; he still had bits of disobedience in him. He began to develop a style all his own, and, through very specific techniques, began discovering how to weave supernatural effects into his attacks. He has perfected only the very basics of this new technique so far, but he is learning quickly. He doesn't seem to much care what the other monks think of his style, but continues to train regardless of any scorn they may or may not have.