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Wisixu Vievod

CR —

Male human gestalt egoist 5/warblade 2/monk 2/swordsage 1
LE Medium humanoid (human, psionic)
Init/Senses +3/Listen +1, Spot +1
Languages Common, Dark Speech, Infernal
AC 19, touch 12, flat-footed 19; wisdom bonus to AC when unarmored, uncanny dodge (retain dex to AC even flat-footed or against invisible opponents)
(dexterity +2, mwk breastplate +5, heavy steel shield +2)
hp 59 (5 HD)
Fort/Ref/Will +7/+7/+5; battle clarity (while not flat-footed, add intelligence bonus to reflex saves, max class level), evasion,
Speed 20 ft. in breastplate, base speed 30 ft.
Melee unarmed strike with deep crystal gauntlets +6 (1d6+2, 20/×2)
Ranged shuriken +5 (1d2+2, 20/×2, range increment 10 ft.)
Base Atk/Grp +3/+5
Atk Options flurry of blows (one attack, -2 penalty, only usable with no armor), stunning fist 2/day (DC 13 fortitude save negates stunning 1 round), stone power (take penalty to attacks, max BAB or 5, gain double that amount in temporary hp for 1 round)
Special Actions gain psionic focus (move action), astral agony (number of times per day equal to wis bonus, at will if over 18; magical coup de grace touch attack, no save)
Combat Gear potion of cure light wounds ×3, potion of cure moderate wounds, potion of cure serious wounds
Power Points 35
Egoist Powers Known (ML 5th):
3rd—body adjustment, body purification
2nd—animal affinity, concealing amorpha, psionic identify, specified energy adaptation
1st—catfall, detect psionics, expansion, thicken skin, vigor

Warblade Maneuvers and Stances Known (IL 3rd, adaptive style (full-round action to change readied maneuvers), vital recovery (1/encounter, heal hp equal to 3 + character level when maneuver is recovered)):
Stances—hunter's sense
Strikes—steel wind&#134;, stone bones&#134;
Counters—moment of perfect mind&#134;, action before thought
Disciplines: diamond mind, iron heart, stone dragon, tiger claw
&#134; Readied maneuver

Swordsage Maneuvers and Stances Known (IL 3rd, adaptive style (full-round action to change readied maneuvers), vital recovery (1/encounter, heal hp equal to 3 + character level when maneuver is recovered)):
Stances—flame's blessing
Strikes—mountain hammer, stone bones, shadow blade technique&#134;, drain vitality&#134;
Counters—moment of perfect mind&#134;, action before thought&#134;
Disciplines: Desert Wind, Diamond Mind, Shadow Hand
&#134; Readied maneuver
Abilities Str 14, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 13, Cha 8
SQ weapon aptitude (can change chosen weapon feat choices with 1 hour practice, qualify for feats as fighter of level equal to warblade level - 2), Dark Seer membership (+2 to caster/manifester with powers and spells with the evil descriptor, +10 to knowledge [forbidden lore], dark premonition [see into the future, but kill loved one], astral agony), quick to act +1
Feats improved unarmed strike, stunning fist, adaptive style, vital recovery, stone power, psionic body (2 extra hp per psionic feat), combat reflexes, expanded knowledge (expansion), psionic meditation
Skills autohypnosis 4 ranks + 1 ability + 2 synergy = 7, balance 0 ranks + 2 ability - 3 armor - 2 shield = -3, climb 0 ranks + 2 ability - 3 armor - 2 shield = -3, concentration 8 ranks + 1 ability = 9, escape artist 0 ranks + 2 ability - 3 armor - 2 shield = -3, hide 0 ranks + 2 ability - 3 armor - 2 shield = -3, jump 0 ranks + 2 ability - 3 armor - 2 shield = -3, knowledge (arcana) 2 ranks + 4 ability = 8, knowledge (architecture and engineering) 1 rank + 4 ability = 5, knowledge (dungeoneering) 1 rank + 4 ability = 5, knowledge (forbidden lore) 1 rank + 4 ability + 10 dark seer = 15, knowledge (geography) 1 rank + 4 ability = 5, knowledge (history) 2 ranks + 4 ability = 6, knowledge (local) 2 ranks + 4 ability = 6, knowledge (nature) 2 ranks + 4 ability = 6, knowledge (nobility and royalty) 2 ranks + 4 ability = 6, knowledge (religion) 2 ranks + 4 ability = 6, knowledge (the planes) 2 ranks + 4 ability = 5, knowledge (psionics) 8 ranks + 4 ability = 12, martial lore 8 ranks + 4 ability = 12, move silently 0 ranks + 2 ability - 3 armor - 2 shield = -3, psicraft 8 ranks + 4 ability + 2 synergy =14, sleight of hand 0 ranks + 2 ability - 3 armor - 2 shield = -3, spellcraft 4 ranks + 4 ability = 8, swim 0 ranks + 2 ability - 6 armor - 4 shield = -8, tumble 0 ranks + 2 ability - 3 armor - 2 shield = -3, use psionic device 4 ranks - 1 ability = 3 (+ 2 synergy = 5 involving power stones)
Possessions combat gear plus deep crystal gauntlets, masterwork breastplate, heavy steel shield, masquerade outfit, 2093 gp

10,150/15,000 xp

7/7 ap

Backup Character[edit]

Mevarin Keleta


male human gestalt factotum 5/human paragon 3/truenamer 1/swashbuckler 1
LE medium humanoid
Divine Rank human
Init/Senses -2/trapfinding; Listen -1, Spot -1
Languages common, imperial, elven, dwarven, draconic, sylvan, avian, simple celestial, simple infernal, old elven, old tongue
AC 19, touch 19, flat-footed 15; cunning defense (1 IP; gain int bonus as dodge bonus to AC against one opponent for 1 round), karmic strike, dodge
(+6 intelligence, +4 dexterity, -1 vulnerable)
hp 47 (5 HD)
Fort/Ref/Will +4/+5/+3
Weakness poor reflexes flaw, unreactive flaw, vulnerable flaw
Speed 30 ft.
Melee rapier +8 (1d6-1, 18-20/×2)
Ranged mwk pistol +9 (1d10, 20/×3, range increment 50 ft.) or
Ranged dart +8 (1d4, 20/×2, range increment 20 ft.)
Base Atk/Grp +4/+3
Atk Options cunning strike (1 IP; gain 1d6 sneak attack on single attack), combat expertise
Special Actions cunning insight (1 IP; int modifier as a competence bonus to attack, damage, or save), cunning knowledge (1 IP; bonus to skill check equal to factotum level), arcane dilettante (1 IP; 2 spells, max level 2), opportunistic piety 3/day (1 IP; cure or inflict hp equal to factotum level + int modifier, or turn undead as cleric of factotum level), assume quirk skill trick (1 hour/day, ignore familiar viewer bonus against specific person disguise), second impression skill trick (1/day, immediate action, all within 30 ft.; oppose successful spot to see through disguise with bluff; must be aware of discovery), never outnumbered skill trick (1/encounter, demoralize all opponents within 10 feet)
Truenamer Utterances Known (CL 3rd):
Lexicon of the Evolving Mind
2nd—hidden truth
1st—inertia surge, universal aptitude
Abilities Str 8, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 23, Wis 8, Cha 8
SQ 4 inspiration points, known personal truename, brains over brawn (add int modifier to str checks, dex checks, str-based skills check, and dex-based skill checks), Dark Seers membership (Seer rank; ???)
Feats evasive reflexes, combat expertise, dodge, karmic strike, combat reflexes, rapid reload (pistol), carmendine monk, master of poisons, weapon finesse
Skills appraise 0 ranks + 6 ability = 6 (+2 synergy = 8 related to poison), autohypnosis 8 ranks - 1 ability = 7, balance 0 ranks + 4 ability + 6 intelligence + 2 synergy = 12, bluff 8 ranks - 1 ability = 7, concentration 4 ranks + 1 ability = 5, craft (poisonmaking) 8 + 6 ability + 2 circumstance from tools = 16, decipher script 1 rank + 6 ability = 7, diplomacy 8 ranks - 1 ability + 2 synergy = 9, disable device 1 rank + 6 ability + 2 circumstance from tools = 9, disguise 8 ranks - 1 ability = 7 (+2 synergy = 9 to act in character), escape artist 0 ranks + 4 ability + 6 intelligence = 10, handle animal 1 rank - 1 ability = 0, heal 0 ranks - 1 ability + 2 from belt = 1, hide 0 ranks + 4 ability + 6 intelligence = 10, intimidate 8 ranks - 1 ability + 2 synergy = 9, jump 0 ranks - 1 ability + 6 intelligence = 5, knowledge (arcana, architechture and engineering, dungeoneering, geography, history, local, nature, nobility and royalty, religion, the planes) 1 rank + 6 ability = 7, knowledge (psionics) 1 rank + 6 ability + 2 synergy = 9, martial lore 1 rank + 6 ability = 7, move silently 0 ranks + 4 ability + 6 intelligence = 10, open lock 1 rank + 4 ability + 6 intelligence + 2 circumstance from tools = 13, psicraft 1 rank + 6 ability = 7, ride 0 ranks + 4 ability + 6 intelligence = 10, sleight of hand 1 rank + 4 ability + 6 intelligence + 2 synergy = 13, spellcraft 1 rank + 6 ability = 7, truespeak 8 ranks + 6 ability = 14, tumble 4 ranks + 4 ability + 6 intelligence = 14, use magic device 1 rank - 1 ability = 0, use psionic device 1 rank - 1 ability = 0
Possessions mithral grappling hook, masterwork manacles, silk rope, 3 doses of oil of taggit, bullets, justicar badge, 3 doses of antitoxin, healer's kit, masterwork thieves' tools, masterwork poisonmaking tools, healing belt, heward's handy haversack, magic bedroll, shiftweave (cleric's vestments, courtier's outfit, traveler's outfit, peasant's outfit, scholar's outfit), hat of disguise, collapsible pole, iron drill, 5 replacement iron drill bits, flour pouch, adamantine hacksaw, listening cone, jewelry for courtier disguise, 488.6 gp