User:Zhenra-Khal/Eiji Challenge/Gardenialis (3.5e Monster)

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Author: Zhenra-Khal (talk)
Date Created: 5/10/2018
Status: In this essay, I will
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N Medium Plant
Init/Senses +1/Darkvision 60ft; Listen +2, Spot +2
Aura Invigorating Aura
AC 16, touch 11, flat-footed 15
(+5 Natural, +1 Dex)
hp 43 (4d8+20 HD)
Immune Plant immunities
Fort/Ref/Will +9/+2/+1
Speed 10ft, climb 10ft
Melee +5, two Slams, 1d6+2 Bludgeoning each, or
Melee +5, two Tendrils, 1d6+2/x3 Piercing each.
Space/Reach 5ft/10ft
Base Atk/Grp +3/+9
Atk Options Power Attack
Special Actions Tend, Aural Siphon, Verdant Surge
Abilities Str 14, Dex 12, Con 20, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6
SQ Invigorating Aura
Feats Improved GrappleB, Power Attack, Cleave
Skills Hide +2 (+10 in greenery), +5 Knowledge (Nature), Survival +10, Heal +2 (+10 in relation to plants and fey).
Advancement 5-11 Medium, 12-20 Large
Invigorating Aura (Su) The Gardenialis projects an aura of positive energy, a frequency specifically attuned to plantlife. All plants within 30ft of a Gardenialis has Regeneration 2, overcome by Fire and Cold damage. Other types of living creature within the area merely have Fast Healing 1. The aura also dampens negative energy, causing Negative Energy used within the area to deal -1 damage per die. All creatures within the aura gain a +1 bonus on saves against negative energy effects, including many death effects, and Plant creatures within the aura have Energy Resistance 5 against negative energy. The aura affects the Gardenialis projecting it, but the auras of multiple Gardenialii overlap.

Nonsentient plantlife within the area also recovers and grows, at a rate of 2 days worth of growth per round.

Tend (Su) The Gardenialis can send a burst of positive energy as a standard action to protect their precious wards. With a range of 60, the creature can sacrifice a number of HP, up to their HD x2, and grant the same amount as temporary HP to either a single Plant creature, or to 15ft cubic area of nonsentient plantlife as a buffer against area spells or hackslashery.
Master Gardener (Ex) All plants a Gardenialis tends grow at a fast rate, even outside the creature's Aura. Such plants are affected by the Encrichment effect of the Plant Growth spell if at least one Gardenialis has tended them at some point in the last year.
Aural Siphon (Ex) When grappling a foe, the Gardenialis can suck away their target's vitality to enhance their own, using the remains to fertilize their gardens. With a successful Grapple check with their tendril natural attack, the Gardenialis heals an amount equal to the amount of damage done.
Verdant Surge (Su) The Gardenialis can, as a Standard action, choose to focus their energy into causing nearby plants to grow rapidly to hinder foes, in place of healing. In doing so, they can replicate the effects of either the Overgrowth effect of the Plant Growth spell in a 60ft radius around them, or the effect of the Entangle spell in a 30ft radius. The effect can last for up to one round per HD. While Verdant Surge is active, the Regeneration, Fast Healing and negative resistance values from the plant's Invigorating Aura drop to 0, though the Regeneration still causes most types of energy damage to be nonlethal. Once used, Verdant Surge cannot be used for 2 rounds for every round it was active.
Racial Traits Gardenialii have a +8 racial bonus to Hide when in greenery, on Knowledge (Nature) and Survival checks, and on Heal checks made in relation to Plant or Fey creatures. The creature's class skills are Hide, Heal, Survival, Knowledge (Nature), Listen and Spot.

Strategies and Tactics[edit]

The Gardenialis is a guardian foe, protecting plantlife in an area, or just specific plants, be they a singular individual or all individuals of the variety. As such, their primary focus is to drive off enemies and protect their designated plants. They will attempt to grapple the strongest-looking foe and sap their life in order to use the stolen health to heal their designated wards.


Environment: These creatures can be found just about anywhere plant life grows, as designated guards.

Typical Physical Characteristics: Gardenialis are tall and lanky, with bodies like twisted vines, think and green. Their fingers are rootlike tendrils, and they have strands of small pastel or white blossoms in place of hair. Most notable are their eyes, transparent sacks of liquid not unlike the infamous Forbidden Fruit (Laundry pods, that is), bags of solid color with no discernible pupil.

However, their appearance can change with their environment. Those who serve underground gardens tend to have the coloration of stone and white eyes, while those in arid places have a sandy, yellow-green color and pink blossoms.

Alignment: Gardenialis were created or bred to protect, and don't possess many mental faculties. As such, they are almost exclusively Neutral.


Little is known about these creatures, other than that they were created by some druids, fey, or nature gods as forest guardians.

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