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You want my stuff? Uh, okay, not sure why you’d want that, but here ya go.

3.5e Content (Variants/Fixes/Patches)

| The Stunt Fighter
  A class that attempts to make the fighter more viable at high levels by increasing versatility. And some other stuff. Might do more with this whole stunt idea later. Not sure.

| Half-Dragon Template Variant
  Limits the types of creatures a half dragon could be and tries to make the template an option players would actually consider.

Gothic Taoist Cosmology

| Archons
  The Lawful outsiders of the multiverse, archons are the Lawful outsiders of the multiverse. Lawful Good Archons are referred to as "Aeons," and Lawful Evil Archons are referred to as "Demiurgents." There are three Lawful Neutral archons known as the Magistrates. All archons share the same language of Gnostic.

| Fae
  The Chaotic outsiders of the multiverse are the fae of legend. Chaotic Good fae are referred to as "Fey," and Chaotic Evil fae are referred to as "Hags." Chaotic Neutral fae are referred to as just "Fae," but any would-be fae are turned into Slaads ever since Limbo collapsed and became the Immaterium. All fae share the same language of Sylvan, but slaads have their own strange dialect of it that's called Slaadi, counting as its own language.

| Celestials
  The Good outsiders of the multiverse are collectively referred to as Celestials. Lawful Good Celestials are referred to as "Angels," Chaotic Good Celestials are referred to as "Eladrins," and Neutral Good Celestials are referred to as "Seraphim." Celestials speak Celestial.

| Fiends
  Fiends are the evil outsiders of the multiverse. Chaotic Evil fiends are called "Demons," Lawful Evil fiends are called "Devils," and Neutral Evil fiends are called "Daemons." Demons speak Abyssal, Devils speak Infernal, and Daemons speak both fluently.

| Races of the Planes
  In addition to the races provided within published material, there are new planetouched races for Chaotic and Lawful descended individuals, Genasi, and Modrons. New templates for Half-Archon, Half-Fae, Half-Celestial, and Half-Fiend. Racial variants for Metal, Wood, Positive Energy, Negative Energy, and Shadow planes.

| Elemental Creatures
  Elemental creatures and statistics for all elements within the Gothic Passion Project - Air, Earth, Fire, Metal, Water, Wood.

| Genies
  Genies are an influential body on the cosmos. New genie types for each element - Djinn (wind/air), Dao (sand/earth), Efreet (flame/fire), Hashashin (electricity/metal), Marid (mist/water), and Arbiit (leaves/wood).

| Giants
  We got Giants, too, fam. You want your Crucible Giants (metal plane giants)? How about your Oak Giants (wood plane giants)?