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Male Eternal Dragon Wizard 20 / Cleric 20 / Bard 10
LG Colossal+ Dragon (Eternal)
Init/Senses +X (X)/Darkvision 120 ft Lowlight Vision; Listen +X, Spot +X
Aura Good (20th), Divine Rank 16
Languages Can understand, speak and read any language, even non verbal languages
AC X, touch X, flat-footed X
(+16 Divine, +52 Natural, +10 Deflection, -8 Size)
hp 1,476 (70d12 (840) HD); +636 from Con
Immune Immune to Fire, Cold, Electricity, Acid damage, Poisons, Diseases, Energy Drain, Ability Drain, Ability Damage, Paralysis, Transmutations, Mind-Affecting effects (Charms, Compulsions, Phantasms, Patterns and Morale effects) and magical sleep effects. Immune to banishment, binding, dimensional anchor, dismissal, imprisonment, repulsion, soul bind, temporal stasis, trap the soul, and turning and rebuking.
SR/PR/Resist 48/48/Damage Reduction 51/+4
Fort/Ref/Will +65/+53/+70
Speed 60 ft., fly 360 ft
Melee +78/73/68/63 Blah +X (+20 (str), +1 (Magic) ) / 18-20 ×2)
Space/Reach 30 ft (coiled)/5 ft.
Base Atk/Grp +20/+X (45 BAB, 20 Str, X Size)
Special Actions At will uses these abilities as a 20th level caster. The save DC's are 33 + the spells level. Aid, Analyze Dweomer, Antimagic Field, Astral Projection, Break Enchantment, Clairaudience / Clairvoyance, Detect Secret Doors, Detect Thoughts, Dimension Door, Discern Location, Entropic Shield, Disjunction, Dispel Magic, Divination, Find the Path, Fly, Foresight, Freedom of Movement, Identify, Imbue with spell ability, Locate Object, Legend Lore, Longstrider, Miracle, Mislead, Moment of Prescience, Phase Door, Protection from energy, Protection from spells, Spell resistance, Spell turning, Teleport, Teleport Greater, True Seeing
Combat Gear None
Abilities Str 50 (+20), Dex 10 (+0), Con 35 (+12), Int 40 (+15), Wis 45 (+17), Cha 30 (+10)
SQ (21)Alter Reality, Alter Size, Clearsight, Craft Artifact, Create Object, Create Object (Greater), Divine Creation, Divine Inspiration, Divine Recall (History), Extra Domain (Luck), Frightful Presence, Gift of Life, Hand of Death, Know Death, Life and Death, Mass Life and Death, Power of Truth, See Magic, Speak with Creatures (Plants and Animals), True Knowledge
Feats Scribe Scroll, Forge Ring, Craft Rod, Craft Wand, Craft Staff, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Wondrous Item.
Skills X
Possessions combat gear plus None
Patron Deity Domains: Magic, Knowledge, Luck and Travel
X Wizard Spells/Day: (Levels 0-9) 4/9/9/9/9/8/8/8/8/7; base DC = 30 + spell level.
X Cleric Spells/Day: (Levels 0-9) 4/9/9/9/9/8/8/8/8/7; base DC = 30 + spell level.
X Bard Spells/Day: 4/9/9/8/8/8/8; base DC = 28 + spell level.

with the horns of a stag, sharp teeth, green scaly skin, red eyes, four toes on each foot, a long serpentine body (his tailtakes up three-fourths of his length), long flowing whiskers, a long snout, crescent shaped nostrils, and flowing green hair on his cheeks. He is an Eastern dragon, whose kind are benevolent and sacred in Oriental mythologies. Unlike the Western dragons, which have large dorsal foldable wings on their backs, he has none.