User:Franken Kesey/Lab2

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Name Minimum
Class Level
Dice Healing1
10th 20th Max Max Slot/PP
Magic Healing
2 Cure Moderate Cleric 3 2d8+1/spell casting level(max +10) 19 19 34 7
3 Cure Serious Cleric 5 3d8+1/spell casting level(max +15) 23.5 28.5 47 8
4 Cure Critical Cleric 7 4d8+1/spell casting level(max +20) 28 38 68 9
6 Heal Cleric 11 10/spell casting level(max 150) 100 150 150 6
Psionic Healing
2 Body Adjustment2 Psychic Warrior 4 1d12 +1d12/2 extra power points 26 58.5 108 19
2 Body Adjustment3 Wilder 6 1d12 +1d12/2 extra power points 32.5 71.5 144 25
2 Empathic Transfer4 Psychic Warrior 4 2d10 +2d10/1 extra power points(max 10d10) 55 55 150 7
2 Biological Reconstruction Psyblade 4 2d6 +1d6/3 extra power points 14 24.5 42 18
  1. Average at 10th and 20th levels without feats. Max is at 20th level with empower and maximize feats. Max spell slot or PP cost.
  2. For a Psychic Warrior, Psion is less.
  3. For Wilder with wild surge.
  4. For a Psychic Warrior, Psion gets it at lower level. This damages the manifester one half the amount.