Broken/Class Ability

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Revision as of 17:26, 12 October 2009 by Tarkisflux (talk | contribs) (moved Property talk:Special Ability Type to Property talk:Class Ability)
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Some of these are a bit clunky, but they're all exclusive and serve to narrow down special ability types. If anyone has a better way of doing them, or if I'm missing some, lemme know. - TarkisFlux 05:06, September 27, 2009 (UTC)

What about hybrid classes, like if someone decides they want to write a Vestige/Martial Maneuvers class? How will you make that show up on searches for either? --IGTN 08:05, September 28, 2009 (UTC)
Properties can be set for more than one value. Surgo 11:26, September 28, 2009 (UTC)
Some clunky things -- why is "User" appended to the end of everything? Also, why have "Spontaneous" vs "Prepared" -- why not just make "Spontaneous Spellcaster" or whatever another entry in this property. Properties can be set to multiple values. Surgo 01:19, October 1, 2009 (UTC)
The 'user' thing made more sense at the time I'm sure. Pulling spontaneous out is a good call, when I did these I wasn't aware that we could set a property to multiple values. - TarkisFlux 01:46, October 1, 2009 (UTC)
Think this should be expanded to non-magic standardish things? Like SA or Skirmish? - TarkisFlux 01:58, October 1, 2009 (UTC)
Yes, I do. I must confess I'm a little confused as to what this is going to be used for -- classes? Surgo 02:04, October 1, 2009 (UTC)
Yeah, this is the class property that replaces the arcane spellcaster / divine spellcaster / whatever sub cats. It'll probably see most use in prestige class searches when people want to continue a progression. It's also taken in a lot more stuff since it needs to match up with everything in the "Special Abilities" section (custom spells, powers, maneuvers, incantations, etc.) as well. - TarkisFlux 02:33, October 1, 2009 (UTC)
Ok... started looking for more things that someone somewhere might care about a prestige class continuing... and realized we're going to need to draw the line somewhere. Bardic Music is probably in, but what about Animal Companions? That has a well defined progression. What about (shudder) Psychic Strike, that half SA progression damage boost that the SRD Soulknife gets? Smite evil even sorta has a progression (though it's a use progression, not an effectiveness progression). Even the bullshit monk abilities (flurry, unarmed, AC, speed) have a progression that some prestige classes would carry forward. I think I want to draw the line at use progressions like smite and put the rest in... but it's getting to be a lot of junk in here... - TarkisFlux 18:24, October 1, 2009 (UTC)
The line should really be drawn at "things someone actually would care enough to search for", which is a fuzzy line but I think it does the job. Surgo 19:21, October 1, 2009 (UTC)
I don't disagree. The problem I had is that some people care about continuing their monk unarmed progression, and that's probably pushing it. I think I'm going to toss in Bardic Music and then just leave it. - TarkisFlux 19:48, October 1, 2009 (UTC)