User:Zhenra-Khal/Cardinal (5e Class)/The Abomination
The Sin of the Abomination represents a taint, a corruption, a mutation in your being, that you gleefully explore - Whether it be from an external supernatural influence, or from trying to play god, you've been transformed into something not quite natural.
Unleash Abomination
At 1st level, you learn how to tap into the taint that has awakened blood magic within your veins, and unleash it in order to temporarily transform. As a bonus action, you can awaken your Abomination form; You transform for 1 minute, until you are incapacitated, or until you revert back to your normal form as a bonus action.
While transformed, you gain the following features:
Unnatural Durability: You have Resistance to all Nonmagical Bludgeoning, Piercing and Slashing damage that isn't dealt by a silvered weapon.
Uncanny Resilience: Upon gaining this feature, choose one saving throw: Strength, Intelligence, or Charisma; Once this choice is made, it cannot be changed. During your Transformation, when you make a saving throw of that type, you can Minor Rend before you roll the save, and add the Rend Bonus to the total saving throw.
You can use Unleash Abomination a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus. You regain all expended uses at the end of a long rest.
Crimson Mutation
At 1st level, you may choose two Minor Mutations from the list of Crimson Mutations presented at the end of this subclass. While transformed by Unleash Abomination, you gain the benefits of that Mutation. You gain an additional Minor Mutation of your choice at 3rd, 7th and 11th levels, and a Major Mutation of your choice at 15th and 17th levels. You must meet a Mutation's prerequisites in order to gain it; When a Mutation has a level prerequisite, your Cardinal level must meet or exceed that prerequisite. You cannot choose an individual mutation more than once unless otherwise specified.
Each time you gain a level in this class, you may replace one Crimson Mutation you've gained with another Mutation of the same type (Minor or Major).
Mutative Alchemy
At 3rd level, you begin to learn the art of blood alchemy, gleefully experimenting with formulae to transform yourself further. You learn 3 Mutagen formulas, chosen from the list presented at the end of this subclass. You learn an additional Mutagen formula at 3rd, 7th, 11th, 15th and 17th level. You must meet a Mutagen's prerequisites in order to learn its formula; When a Mutagen formula has a level prerequisite, your Cardinal level must meet or exceed that prerequisite.
Additionally, when you gain a new mutagen formula, you can choose one of the formulas you already know and replace it with a new mutagen formula.
Crafting Mutagens
At 3rd level, at the end of a short or long rest, you can craft a single Mutagen for which you know the formula. At 7th level, you can create 2 Mutagens at the end of a rest, increasing to 3 at 15th level.
Mutagens are formulated for your unique biology, playing off of your specific brand of supernatural taint; Thus, when imbibed by anyone but you, they simply sicken the creature (Forcing it to make a Constitution save against your Hemocraft DC, becoming Poisoned for 1 round on a failed save), and give them no benefit. Additionally, your Mutagens are extremely unstable by nature, losing their potency over time; When you finish a short or long rest, any unused Mutagens you've created become inert.
Using Mutagens
As a bonus action, you can imbibe one Mutagen; You gain the Mutagen's benefit - And suffer its side effects - Until you finish a short or long rest, unless the Mutagen specifies otherwise.
While one or more Mutagens are affecting you, you can use an action to focus and flush the toxins from your system, making a Constitution saving throw against your Hemocraft save DC; On a successful save, you end the effects and side effects of all mutagens that were affecting you.
Abominable Metabolism
Beginning at 7th level, your body has begun to adapt to toxins and venoms, ignoring their corroding effects. You gain immunity to poison damage and the poisoned condition.
In addition, you can instill a burst of adrenaline to temporarily resist the negative effects of a mutagen. As a bonus action, you can choose to ignore the side effect of one mutagen affecting you for 1 minute.
Once you use this feature to resist side effects, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest.
Wretched Horror
Beginning at 11th level, while transformed, you can use your action to frighten someone with your menacing presence. When you do so, choose one creature that you can see within 30 feet of you. If the creature can see or hear you, it must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw (DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Consistuion modifier) or be frightened of you until the end of your next turn. On subsequent turns, you can use your action to extend the duration of this effect on the frightened creature until the end of your next turn. This effect ends if the creature ends its turn out of line of sight or more than 60 feet away from you.
If a creature succeeds on its saving throw, you can't use this feature on that creature again for 24 hours.
Artificial Selection
At 15th level, your body has adapted to produce your toxins naturally in a moment of need. As a bonus action, you can choose one mutagen currently affecting you to flush from your system and end, then immediately have a mutagen you know the formula for take effect in its place.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum of 1). You regain all uses of this feature after you finish a long rest.
Unstoppable Evolution
At 18th level, you have mastered your true self in the most horrifying way. You may use Unleash Abomination an unlimited number of times, and your transformation can now last indefinitely.
Minor Mutations
Natural Weapon
While transformed, you gain a natural weapon of your choice, be it claws, a bite, a pseudopod, tail, horns, or any other natural weapon you can think of. You can choose one natural weapon, or two. If you choose two natural weapons, they deal damage equal to one roll of your Hemocraft die; If you choose one natural weapon, it deals a larger amount of damage, as shown on the table below:
Hemocraft Die |
Damage Die |
d4 | 1d6 |
d6 | 1d8 |
d8 | 1d10 |
d10 | 1d12 |
The damage type of each individual natural weapon is Bludgeoning, Slashing or Piercing, chosen upon gaining this mutation. You can choose this mutation more than once, gaining additional natural weapons of your choice each time.
Minor Resistance
Choose Fire, Cold, Lightning, Acid, Thunder or Poison damage. While transformed, you gain resistance to that type of damage.
You may choose this mutation more than once. Each time, you choose a different damage type to gain resistance to while transformed.
Prerequisite: Natural Weapon Mutation
Choose one natural weapon you possess, or your unarmed strikes. While transformed, this mutation increases the reach of the chosen attack by 5ft.
You may choose this mutation more than once. Each time, you must choose a different attack to augment.
Minor Speed
When you choose this mutation, choose walking, climbing, swimming, or burrowing. If you do not already possess the speed in question, you gain that type of movement speed, with a speed of 20ft. If you do already possess the speed in question, that speed increases by 10ft.
You may choose this mutation more than once. Each time, you can choose to gain a new mode of movement or improve an existing one.
Natural Armor
While transformed, your AC increases by 1.
You may choose this mutation more than once, increasing the bonus to a maximum of +5.
This mutation gives you extra durability when you transform. Upon transforming, you gain 5 temporary hit points that last as long as you're transformed.
You may choose this mutation more than once. Each time, this increases the number of temporary hit points increases by 5.
Unnatural Sight
While transformed, you can see normally in darkness, both magical and nonmagical, to a distance of 120 feet.
Mighty Blow
Prerequisite: Natural Weapon Mutation
When you hit a creature with one of the natural weapons granted by your transformation, you can choose to force it to make a Strength saving throw. If it fails, you can push the target up to 10ft in a straight line directly away from you. If the target rolls a natural 1 on its saving throw, it also falls prone.
You may choose this mutation more than once. Each time, the distance you may push a creature increases by 10ft.
Improved Natural Weapons
Prerequisite: Cardinal level 7th
Your natural weapons count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage.
Major Resistance
Prerequisite: Cardinal level 11th
Choose Radiant, Necrotic, Force or Psychic damage. While transformed, you gain resistance to that type of damage.
Major Mutations
While transformed, as a bonus action on each of your turns, you can regain 1d4 hit points. This healing cannot raise your current hit points above half of your maximum hit points.
You may choose this mutation a second time. If you do, the healing increases to 2d4.
Eternal Mutation
Choose one Minor Mutation you possess; Once selected, this cannot be changed. You gain access to that mutation indefinitely while not transformed.
Minor Immunity
Choose Fire, Cold, Lightning, Acid, of Thunder damage. While transformed, you gain immunity to that type of damage.
Major Speed
You gain one of the following movement options while transformed.
- Flight: You gain a flying speed equal to your land speed, and you may hover. If you select Flight a second time, your flying speed increases by 20ft.
- Teleportation: You may treat any amount of your movement on your turn as teleportation, provided your teleportation is to an unoccupied space you can see.
- Abominable Speed: As a bonus action, you can take the Dash action; When you do, you do not provoke attacks of opportunity until the beginning of your next turn, and the first attack roll you make before the beginning of your next turn gains advantage.