Z's Blood Magic (5e Sourcebook)/Magic/Bloodborne Sacraments/Sacrament of the Legion

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Sacrament of the Legion

The Sacrament of the Legion shapes your blood magic towards controlling the dead to acts as your army, using your presence to terrify or command foes.

  • Bonus Rites: Upon gaining the Sacrament of the Legion, you automatically learn the Legion General Rite. This bonus Rite does not count against your number of Rites Known, and cannot be replaced when you gain a level, unless it is a level for which you gain the Crimson Versatility feature and choose to exchange the Sacrament of the Legion for another Sacrament.

Legion General

Rite Type: Mercy

When you use a Hemocraft ability that Harvests a corpse as a Reaction - Such as the Corpse Shield Rite, or the Devour the Light feature - You can choose to Minor Rend yourself. If you do, that use of that ability does not expend your Reaction for the round, and you gain a Barrier whose current and maximum hit points equal to the Rend Bonus of that Minor Rend. This Barrier is destroyed when its hit points are depleted; Otherwise, it lasts until the beginning of your next turn.

Once you use this Rite, you may not do so again until the beginning of your next turn.

Corpse Puppet

Rite Type: Mercy, Harvest

As a reaction when an eligible creature dies within range of your Corpse Magic, or as a bonus action up to 1 minute after it has died, you can Harvest the corpse, causing it to rise up like a zombie, move up to a number of feet equal to your Corpse Magic range, and make a single melee attack against a target you can see, using your Hemocraft attack bonus. The creature uses whatever weapons it used in life, be they manufactured or natural; If the creature's attack uses a damage die smaller than your Hemocraft Die, it may use your Hemocraft Die instead. After the attack, the corpse once more falls lifelessly to the ground in the square it made its attack from.

Corpse Shield

Rite Type: Mercy, Harvest

As a reaction to being targeted with an attack by a creature you can see, you can Harvest an eligible corpse within your Corpse Magic range, moving it to interpose it between yourself and your attacker; You may roll your Hemocraft die and add the result to your AC against the triggering attack. If this causes the attack to miss, the corpse suffers the entirety of the attack's damage and effects for you, before falling to the ground in an unoccupied square of your choice adjacent to you. If a creature is targeted by this Rite instead of a corpse - Such as via use of the Reaping Hour rite - The creature suffers the attack's damage and effects as if it were a corpse.

Additionally, if you possess the Corpse Puppet Rite, when you use this Rite to shield yourself with a corpse, you can Minor Rend yourself in order to cause the corpse to make one melee attack against a target you can see within 5ft of you, using your Hemocraft attack bonus, as part of the same reaction. When you do so, the corpse gains a bonus to its damage roll equal to the Rend Bonus of that Minor Rend.

Corpse Bomb

Prerequisite: Hemocraft level 5

Rite Type: Mercy, Harvest

Whenever you draw the Final Harvest from a Corpse, you can choose for it to explode in a shower of blood, bones and necromantic might. Targets other than yourself within 10ft of the exploding corpse must make a Dexterity saving throw; On a failed save, they suffer Bludgeoning, Piercing, or Slashing damage (Chosen when you use this Rite) equal to 1 roll of your Hemocraft die for each point of Proficiency Bonus the creature possessed in life, or half as much on a successful save.

If you have a Torment active, you can choose for your Corpse Bomb to deal that Torment's Rite damage instead of its normal damage.