Pokémon d20 (3.5e Sourcebook)/The Pokémaster

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Pokemaster Class

The NPC Pokemaster

Starting Ability Scores:

Str 10 Dex 14 Con 13 Int 12 Wis 8 Cha 15

Increased Ability Scores:

4th, Cha 16; 8th, Cha 17(19); 12th, Cha 18(20); 16th, Cha 19(23); 20th, Cha 20(24)


1st, Point Blank Shot; 3rd, Precise Shot; 6th, Rapid Shot; 9th, Spell Penetration; 12th, Iron Will; 15th, Far Shot; 18th, Improved Initiative.

Class Features:

1st, Control Pokémon (Ex), Caster Levels, Train Pokémon, Pokédex (Ex); 2nd, Craft Pokéball, Heal Pokémon(Sp); 3rd, Subtype Specialization (Ex) (Fire); 4th, Increased Awareness (Ex); 5th, Speak with Pokémon (Ex); 6th, Craft Greatball (Sp); 7th, Type Specialization (Magical Beast); 8th, Transfer control; 9th, Advanced Pokémon Healing; 10th, Craft Ultraball(Sp); 11th, Store Pokémon (Sp), Recall Pokémon (Sp); 12th, Second Subtype Specialization (Air); 14th, Second Type Specialization (Elemental); 15th, Craft Masterball (Sp); 17th, Fast Recall Pokémon (Sp); 18th, Third Subtype Specialization (Earth); 19th, Third Type Specialization (Dragon); 20th, Subtype Mastery (Fire)


Masterwork Chain Shirt (1st-6th), +1 Chain Shirt (7th-10th), +1 Mithril Breastplate (11th-15th), +2 Mithril Breastplate (16th-20th).


Morning Star: Normal (1st-4th), Masterwork (5th-10th), +1 (11th-20th). Shuriken (Ranged): 30 normal shuriken (1st-6th), 30 Masterwork and 30 normal (7th-20th).


2 cure light wounds (1st-3rd), 1 cure moderate wounds (3rd-6th), 3 cure serious wounds (7th-20th), 2 neutralize poison (13th-20th), 2 remove disease (13th-20th).

Other Magic Gear:

2 Pokéballs (1st-5th), 2 Javelins of Lightning (2nd-4th), Cloak of Resistance +1 (4th-7th), 2 Greatballs (6th-9th), Mirror of Vanity +2 (8th-13th), 4 Javelins of Lightning (9th-20th), Ring of Deflection +1 (10th 15th), 2 Ultraballs (10th-20th), Bracers of Archery (12th-20th), Gloves of Dexterity +2 (13th-20th), Cloak of Charisma +4 (14th-20th), +2 Animated Large Steel Shield (15ht-19th), +3 Ring of Deflection (16th-20th), 1 Masterball (16th-20th), Pearly White Ioun Stone (17th-20th), Lantern of Revealing (18th-20th), Vibrant Purple Prism Ioun Stone (18th-20th), Tan Bag of Tricks (17th-20th), +4 Animated Large Steel Shield (20th).

Pokémon by level:

1 Fire Element War Pony; Small Monstrous Spider
2 Small Fire Elemental; Medium Monstrous Spider
3 Thoqqua; Earth Element Large Viper; Choaker
4 Gelatinous Cube; Giant Owl; Fire Mephit; Deinonychus
5 Otyugh; Janni; Displacer Beast; Fire Lion
6 Half Dragon (fire) Cockatrice; Hydra 6; Avg. Salamander; Large Air Elemental
7 Lamia; Huge Monstrous Scorpion; Xill; Belker; Half Dragon (fire) Polar Bear
8 Aboleth; Chaos Beast; Wyrmling Red Dragon; Chimera; Lern Hydra 5; Hellcat
9 Dark Naga; Huge Fire Wasp; Blue Slaad; Behir; Gorgon; Gray Render
10 Tojanida Elder; Rakshasa; Gargantuan Scorpion; Greater Fire Elemental; Lern Hydra 7; Half Fiend Invisible Stalker
11 Guardian Naga; Large Half Fiend Earth Element Rust Monster; Roper; Gray Slaad; Myrmarch; Colossal Spider
12 Fire Element Giant Squid; Juvenile Brass Dragon; Elder Fire Elemental; Half Fiend Dragon Turtle; Pyro Hydra 10 Juvenile Green Dragon; Shadow Delver
13 Half Fiend Dire Shark; Shadow Elder Fire Elemental; Frost Worm; Purple Worm; Half Fiend Roc; Kraken; Fire Retriever
14 Ghaele; Vrock; Death Slaad; Beholder; Gelugon; Lyrn Hydra 10
15 Astral Deva; Hezrou; Lyrn Hydra 11 heads

The Epic Pokemaster