Legacy of Darkness (3.5e Campaign Setting)/Geography/Amone Faer

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Author: Risek (talk)
Date Created: December 4th, 2010
Status: Finished
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Amone Faer

  • Size: Large
  • Location: Outer Ring
  • Climate: Temperate
  • Terrain: Marsh
  • Other Features: None
  • Race:
60% Wild elves
30% Lizardfolk
10% Others (gnolls, goblins, trolls)
  • Civilization Traits
  • Owner: None
  • Dominant Alignment: Chaotic Evil, Chaotic Neutral, Neutral
  • Civilization State: Nomadic tribes
  • Religious Beliefs: Tribal
  • History and Background: Amone Faer is perhaps one of the notorious wild outer shards, known for its' powerful savage tribes and its' terrifying titanic vermin.

The shard is studded with hundreds of ruined citadels and temples of sweeping, grandiose structure; the decrepit remains of a pre-Shattering kingdom. The wild elves of this shard guard the secrets of the ruins jealously, using guerilla tactics and wasp-mounted cavalry to destroy all but the most formidable of invaders. It is believed these elves still retain much of a powerful (if primitive) shadowcasting tradition, as demonstrated by the bizarre dark magic witnessed to a few explorers who survived their attacks.

These elves seem to be ruled by a secretive council of werebats known as the Jes'Uniquol Covenant, a group made up of the most powerful wild elf spiritual leaders on the shard.

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You see, the ships were used in our grand grand grand ancestors time to cross the ocean, but now there is no more ocean so we cross the void between the shards with it.
—Mienor the Ex-pirate, explaining the void ship basic to children
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Legacy of Darkness
Campaign Setting