The heft of the weapon allows it to crush through defenses on a good swing, providing a +2 bonus on rolls to confirm a critical hit. Additionally, it can easily provide an impromptu [[Power_Attack|power attack]], trading -2 to hit for +4 to damage, and increasing the critical roll bonus to +4.
Adding Lancing ability.
The Durumgir poleaxe is similar to other poleaxes in that it has a spear-point, a hammer-head, and a spike-head, all mounted on a long haft. The Durumgir weapon is longer than mostpoleaxes, more than 8 feet long, but its most striking feature is a thick haft of solid metal.
A Durumgir poleaxe has reach. You can strike opponents 10 feet away with it, but you can’t use it against an adjacent foe.
The heft of the weapon allows it to crush through defenses on a good swing, providing a +2 bonus on rolls to confirm a critical hit. Additionally, it can easily provide an impromptu [[Power_Attack|power attack]], trading -2 to hit for +4 to damage, and increasing the critical roll bonus to +4. If you use a [[SRD:Special_Initiative_Actions#Readying_a_Weapon_against_a_Charge|ready action to set]] a Durumgir poleaxe against a [[SRD:Charge|charge]], you deal double damage on a successful hit against a charging character (piercing damage only). In the reverse scenario, a Durumgir Poleaxe deals double damage when used from the back of a charging mount (piercing damage only).
You can use a Durumgir poleaxe to make [[SRD:Trip|trip]] attacks. If you are tripped during your own trip attempt, you can drop the poleaxe to avoid being tripped.
A Durumgir poleaxe is a training weapon of choice for young [[Durumgir_(3.5e_Race)|Durumgir]], as not only does it train strength, it also teaches how to use overwhelming force with finesse, when to commit risks, and how to balance accuracy, damage, and defense. As such, all Durumgir are familiar with the 'exotic' elements of the weapon's usage, and can learn to use it as if it were a normal martial weapon. (See "Weapon Familiarity" in the [[Durumgir_(3.5e_Race)#Racial_Traits|Durumgir abilities]].)