→Racial Traits
* Psi-Like Abilities {{Ps}}: ''[[SRD:Sense Link|sense link]]'' -1/day. Manifester level equals your character level. The saves are [[Charisma]] based.
* Psychotropic Skin {{Ex}}: The skin of a baluška affects the minds of others, making them see the baluška as an average member of their own race. This functions like ''[[SRD:Disguise Self|disguise self]]'', but even simulates tactile and other sensation. There is no save, but ''[[SRD:True Seeing|true seeing]]'' can bypass, as can a Spot check to pierce the disguise. Unless the baluška has gone out of the way with a disguise they are treated as having taken 10 with a +10 bonus to their Disguise check. Creatures immune to mind-affecting effects are immune to a baluška's psychotropic skin.
* Racial [[SRD:Hit Dice (Creature Statistic)|Hit Dice:]] A baluška begins with one level of [[SRD:Monstrous Humanoid Type|monstrous humanoid]]with the Augmented Plant subtype, which provide 1d8 [[SRD:Hit Dice|Hit Dice]], a [[SRD:Base Attack Bonus|base attack bonus]] of +0, and base [[SRD:Saving Throw|saving throw]] bonuses of [[SRD:Saving Throw|Fort]] +2, [[SRD:Saving Throw|Ref]] +0, and [[SRD:Saving Throw|Will]] +0.* Racial [[SRD:Skills (Creature Statistic)|Skills:]] A baluška’s [[SRD:Monstrous Humanoid Type|monstrous humanoid]] plant subtype levels give it [[SRD:Skill Points|skill points]] equal to 5 x (2 + [[SRD:Intelligence|Int]] modifier). Its [[SRD:Class|class]] skills are [[SRD:Bluff Skill|Bluff]], [[SRD:Disguise Skill|Disguise]], [[SRD:Knowledge Skill|Knowledge (geography)]], [[SRD:Knowledge Skill|Knowledge (local)]], [[SRD:Knowledge Skill|Knowledge (nature)]], and [[SRD:Survival Skill|Survival]].* Racial [[SRD:Feats (Creature Statistic)|Feats:]] A baluška's [[SRD:Monstrous Humanoid Type|monstrous humanoid]] levels give it one [[SRD:Feats|feat]].
* Slippery Mind {{Ex}}: A baluška gains the slippery mind class feature of a [[rogue]]. If they obtain this feature again (such as taking levels of rogue), the baluška can attempt the save a third time on its third round.
* Baluška have 1 extra power point per HD.