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A graft invented by the brilliant young Doctor Matherson, underspines are effectively long and viscous spines hidden strategically under the skin. When not in use the graft is perfectly hidden. As a swift action the grafted creature release the spines, granting her size appropriated [[SRD:Armor Spikes|armor spikes]]. Releasing the spines hurt a little but does not deal damage, they can retracted as a swift action. The grafted creature is always proficient with her underspines. The underspines are especially effective in grapple, as a free action once per round you may make an attack at your highest attack bonus against any creature you grapple or is grappling you. During construction, spells are employed, but once applied it is forever a mundane part of the creature.
The receiver of a underspines graft often experience uncomfortableness that fade within a week, the graft also require the removal of some tissues lowering it maximum hit point by 2 points.
Prerequisites: [[Graft Flesh (3.5e Feat)|graft flesh]] (any), [[SRD:Spike Growth|''spike growth'']]<br />