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Pose Expertise (3.5e Feat)

24 bytes removed, 12:06, 22 December 2016
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|summary=You are the master of the dramatic pose, which affects those around you with the power of your fighting spirit.
|skill=Perform Dance or Perform Sentai
|prereqs=[[Cha]] 13
|skill0=The Sentai Pose, absurd and yet charming. As a move action once per encounter you can strike this pose and benefit from any one of the following spells, with a caster level equal to your character level: ''[[SRD:Bless|bless]]'', ''[[SRD:Bless Weapon|bless weapon]]'', ''[[SRD:Cure Minor Wounds|cure minor wounds]]'', ''[[Fan (3.5e Spell)|fan]]'', ''[[Fragile Shield (3.5e Spell)|fragile shield]]'', ''[[SRD:Guidance|guidance]]'', ''[[SRD:Magic Weapon|magic weapon]]'', ''[[Poof (3.5e Spell)|poof]]'', ''[[SRD:Prestidigitation|prestidigitation]]'', ''[[SRD:Resistance|resistance]]'', ''[[Sparklers (3.5e Spell)|sparklers]]'' (1st form only), or ''[[SRD:Virtue|virtue]]''. These spells only affect you (or within 10 ft for ''sparklers''), and last until the end of the encounter, or its normal duration, whichever is shorter. Alternatively you can choose to remove or don any number of clothing or armor (but not held items) instead.

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