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|fluff=Your existence is antithetical to life itself.
|benefit=Gain [[SRD:Special Abilities Overview#Supernatural|supernatural]] abilities that scale with your HD total.
* '''1 HD''': You gain the [[Aura of Decay (3.5e Feat)|Aura of Decay]] feat, and it also [[SRD:About_Planes#Impeded_Magic|impedes]] the use of spells which cure with positive energy. Such spells cast within or on targets within your aura must make a Spellcraft check (DC 20 + the level of the spell). If the check fails, the spell does not function but is still lost as a prepared spell or spell slot. If the check succeeds, the spell functions normally. You may choose not to activate this and other effects of this feat, as per Aura of Decay.
* '''3 HD''': Creatures ending their turn within the aura take 1 point of negative energy damage every round they spend within the aura. You also radiate a constant ''[[SRD:Desecrate|desecrate]]'' effect.
* '''8 HD''': The negative energy damage rises to 5 each round and mindless undead do not naturally attack you unless directed to. Your aura of decay grows strong enough to corrode metal and erode rocks, dealing twice your negative energy damage as untyped damage to non-magical objects. This damage is never reduced before hardness.