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Helix Blade (3.5e Equipment)

408 bytes added, 04:48, 1 February 2018
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===4th Ritual ===
''Enzyme Coating 4 [Adamase]:'' You gain an additional Special set of Bio-Magical enzymes causing your strikes to deal an additional 1d8 + 1 damage per CL to anything made of Adamantine.
''Reincarnating Blow:'' You may choose to have any enemy slain by the Helix Blade to Reincarnate in one of two ways. One using the chart below, similar to the reincarnation spell. Enemies regrown this way lose all memory of past lives. Or they can cause the slain enemy to split into a harmless swarm of tiny or smaller animals equal to the biomass of the original.(e.g a huge creature may produce 5 swarms and a medium only 2)
''Pre-RequisitesEnzyme Coating 5 [Hyper Kinase]:'' You gain an additional Special set of Bio-Magical enzymes. An opponent struck by the Helix Blade loses resistance to poison for 1d4 rounds. If struck again they also lose immunity to poison for 1d3 rounds.
''Cost:'' 300,000 gp, 4000 xp

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