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Stormwitch (3.5e Prestige Class)

17 bytes removed, 03:22, 13 December 2019
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'''{{Anchor|Stormbolt}} {{Su}}:''' A 5th level Stormcaller can infuse the power of the storm in her electricity spells. As a swift action, the next spell she cast that deals electricity damage also deals an extra 1 point of sonic damage per spell level, and force a [[Fortitude]] save or cause any damage creature to be [[SRD:Stunned|stunned]] for 1 round. The DC equals the save DC of the spell, even if the spell wouldn't normally allow a save. Once a creature is stunned by this ability it cannot be stunned again by it for 24 hours.
'''{{Anchor|Storm Aura}} {{Su}}:''' A 7th level a Stormcaller is surrounded by constant wind and storm. Within 60 feet of her she can summon rain and wind, acting as a emanation, whenever she activate her aura she may have it be smaller than normal. The wind condition in her aura is one step more severe than normal and it count as a storm whenever it is advantageous, which does not affect her attacks. She may activate and suppress this ability as a free action.
'''''{{Anchor|Tempest Caller}}'' {{Sp}}:''' A 8th level Stormcaller can tap into her powers and summon a great storm, she can use [[SRD:Control Weather|''control weather'']] once per day but can only create a windstorm, thunderstorm, or hurricane-force winds, at her option she may add hail or rain. She may use a 7th level spell to spontaneously cast [[SRD:Control Weather|''control weather'']] with the same restriction as above. Additionally when casting [[SRD:Control Weather|''control weather'']] she count as a druid of her caster level when casting it through this ability.

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