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|benefit=Your warlock levels stack with levels in any meldshaping class (but you must choose one only, at the time of taking this feat) for the purpose of caster level for invocations, damage reduction, eldritch blast, fiendish resilience, meldshaper level and for one of the following class features, depending on your meldshaper class: rapid meldshaping and true incarnation, incarnum defense and share incarnum defense, rebind totem soulmeld.
Your eldritch blast and invocations are aligned following your alignment from level 15. You may use Charisma to determine any effect related to meldshaping soulmelds' DCs or choose to use your meldshaping charateristic Wisdom modifier to determine DCs of your invocations. Any choice you make is definitive and you may choose to not change anything at all.
In addition, if you don't have this ability already, you gain the ability to bind the blast bind, a special chakra bind of the [[Demonsouled (3.5e Class)|demonsouled]] and [[Devilsouled (3.5e Alternate Class Feature)|devilsouled]]. You may learn soulmelds from their list (given alignment restrictions), but no more than one per each level of invocations you may use. If you later learn a new level of invocations you learn a new soulmeld from these lists. Rapid meldshaping and rebind totem soulmeld apply even to these soulmelds.