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Poltergeist (3.5e Spell)

157 bytes added, 21:54, 18 August 2021
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''4th level'': Each turn the flying objects may hit up to four random creatures in the area. The chance of losing an item while using it increases to 30%. At this point magic malfunctions in the area: everytime someone uses a magic item that must be activated to be used, you and the user make a caster level check. If you succeed by 1 or more, the item works but affects a random area or target instead of the intended one. If you succeed by 10 or more, the magic item malfunctions and doesn't work.
''5th level'': Each turn the flying objects may hit up to five random creatures in the area. The chance of losing an item while using it increases to 40%. The malfunction of magic items intensifies: permanent or already active magical effects have a 20% chance of deactivating. 3d6 of non-magical unattended objects that you decide become animated as per the spell [[SRD:Animate Objects|''animate objects'']] for the spell's duration.

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