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Dragon Turtle (5e)

172 bytes removed, 11 March
{{edition5epointer|Dragon Turtle}}{{5esrdsources=SRD5, MM5, FToD}}<div style="display:block; float:right; max-width:200px;">{{tocright}}<br />[[File:Dragon turtle (7943242984).jpg|thumb|right|180px|Dragon Turtle<br />Image by Nikolaj Potanin<br />via Mediawiki Commons<br />CC-BY-SA<br /> ''Image is not part of the SRD'']]</div>
{{5e Monster Short|Dragon Turtle|Dragon Turtle|Overview|Dragon, Dragon Turtle|habitat=Coastal, Underwater|refs={{SRD5ref|y}} <ref name="mm5">{{Cite Pub|Monster Manual (5e)|pages=119}} Licensed: &copy; Wizards of the Coast {{fairuc}}.</ref> <ref name="ftod">{{Cite Pub|Fizban's Treasury of Dragons|pages=110-113, 191-192}} Licensed: &copy; Wizards of the Coast {{fairuc}}.</ref>}}
<div style="display:block; border:solid 1px goldenrod; border-radius:0.5em; margin-right:200px; padding:0.5em;"><ref>{{citeotherlore|accessdate=2021-11-05|title=Dragon turtle|url=|website=Forgotten Realms Wiki|work=}} Licensed:CC-BY-SA.</ref> Dragon turtles were aquatic creatures that were related to dragons. They were considered among the most dangerous aquatic creatures in existence and were even worshiped by some.
Dragon turtles were distantly related to dragons and had dragon blood. They appeared as huge turtle-like creatures with a long tail and neck with large, taloned flippers. Their heads had a golden crest down the center.|<ref>{{cite Source|accessdate=2021-11-05|title=Dragon turtle||website=Forgotten Realms Wiki|work=}} Licensed:CC-BY-SA.</divref>|Forgotten Realms Wiki|margin=200px}}
{{SRD5:DragonTurtle (5e)/Innate Spellcasting}}
{{:Dragon Turtle (5e)/Lair Actions}}
==List of Dragon Turtles==
<div style="display:block; overflow:auto; max-width:75svw; max-height:90vh;">
{{5e Monster List|Dragon Turtle}}
==Additional Reading==* {{pub|Monster Manual (5e)}} p.119* {{pub|Fizban's Treasury of Dragons}} p.110</div><!--gi-main-113, 191-192.><div class="source">
==Sources and Notes==
<references />

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