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You have been were killed, either dying from in a diseasetragic accident, murdered a murder or even executedan execution. However after your death, you have risen againwith no explanation. You still bear you death wounds which can never truly heals. This left you with strange corpse-like properties and prevent further decay to your body.
At 10th level, you gain an additional revelation.
At 15th level, when you no longer die due , you are brought back to negative hit points. You may still be killed by an effect which instantly slays youlife, such as a [[SRDhttps:Coup de Grace|Coup de Grace//www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/r/resurrection/ resurrection]] or , after 1 minute. This ability can be used only once every 24 hours, and if you are slain again within this period, your death-effectis permanent.