“ | <-Some quote from a character of this class-> | ” |
—<-NPC name->, <-race-> <-class-> |
<-fluff about this prestige class->
Becoming a Archpsion
<-why characters pursue this class, what other classes they typically have, and what abilities are important->
Skills: | Knowledge (psionics) 15 ranks, Psicraft 15 ranks. |
Feats: | Skill Focus (Psicraft), at least two [Metapsionic] feats. |
Manifesting: | Ability to manifest a 7th-level powers.. |
Class Features
All of the following are class features of the Archpsion.
Manifesting: At each level, you gain power points per day, an increase in manifester level, and new powers as if you had also gained a level in a manifesting class to which you belonged before adding the prestige class level. You do not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained. If you had more than one manifesting class before becoming a archpsion, you must decide to which class to add each level for the purpose of determining powers, manifester level, and powers known.
High Psionics: The Archpsion discovers secrets unknown to lesser psions. She gains the ability to select a special ability from among the following by permanently decreasing her daily power points total. The number of power points that are lost are listed below. For example, a 15th-level psion with a primary attribute score of 18 would normally have 116 power points for the day. A character with 14 levels of psion and a level of arch psion who chooses the psionic reach ability permanently loses 11 power points, leaving her with only 105.
Extra Power: The Archpsion can learn one additional power of any level up to their highest-level power she can currently manifest from any class power list. They can even pull from discipline lists they do not have access to. The Archpsion can select this ability more than once. The permanent power point loss for this ability equals the cost to manifest the selected power.
Manifester Power: This ability increases the Archpsion's effective manifester level by +1. This ability causes the character to permanently lose 13 power points, and may only be selected once.
Mastery of Power Dispelling: An Archpsion can countermanifest as per counterspelling, either with the identical power in question or the dispel psionics power, and may countermanifest both spells and powers. When the Archpsion successfully counters a spell or power, it is turned back on the caster or manifester as if it were fully affected by spell turning. If the spell or power cannot be affected by spell turning (for example, if it is an area or effect power), then it is merely countered. This ability causes the character to permanently lose 11 power points.
Psi-Like Ability (Ps): The Archpsion who selects this type of high psionics can permenantly lose power points to get one of their powers known as a psi-like ability 2/day. Powers which require XP still cost said XP, and any other components or requirements must also be provided. This ability costs twice the cost to manifest the selected power.
Psionic Energy Discharge (Su): The Archpsion gains the ability to channel raw psionic energy into a focused ray. The discharge is treated as a ranged touch attack with long range (400 feet + 40 feet/level of arch psion) and deals 1d4 points of damage per level of Archpsion plus 1d4 points of damage for every power point channeled to create the effect. The amount of power points spent cannot exceed your level. This ability cannot be modified by the use of metapsionic feats. For example a psion 13/archpsion 2 could deal 5d4 as a standard action, or spend up to an additional 15 power points to raise it to 20d4. This ability causes the character to permanently lose 15 power points.
Psionic Reach: The Archpsion can use touch powers on targets up to 30 feet away. If the power requires a touch attack (melee or ranged), the Archpsion may make a ranged touch attack. If selected a second time as a special ability, the range increases to 60 feet. This ability causes the character to permanently lose 11 power points each time it is selected.
Sculpt Power: The Archpsion can modify an area power by changing the area's shape. The new area must be chosen from the following list: cylinder (10-foot radius, 30 feet high), 40-foot cone, four 10-foot cubes, or a ball (20-foot radius spread). The sculpted power works normally in all respects except for its shape. The arch psion can further alter the shape to create spaces within the power's area of effect that are not subject to the power. The minimum dimension for these spaces is a 5-foot cube. For example, the Archpsion could manifest an energy bolt power whose area is changed to a cone that deals the same amount of damage, but affects a 40-foot cone burst. The arch psion could also leave a hole in the area of the energy bolt where her ally stands, preventing any damage. This ability causes the character to permanently lose 9 power points.
Wild Prodigy: The Archpsion increase her Wild Surge bonus by +1. The Archpsion add her class level to her Wilder level to determine her wild surge bonus. This ability causes the character to permanently lose 11 power points and may only be selected by a archpsion with the wild surge class feature.
Metapsionic Boon: At 2nd level Archpsion gains a single [Metapsionic] feat as a bonus feat. At the start of each day she choose one of her [Metapsionic] feat she possesses, she does not have to expend her psionic focus when manifesting a power using the chosen feat.
Metapsionic Mastery: A 4th level Archpsion gains a single [Metapsionic] feat as a bonus feat. At the start of each day, she may trade one or more of her [Metapsionic] for another [Metapsionic] feat she meet the prerequisites for.
Reality Weaver (Ps): A 5th level Archpsion gain the ability to manifest bend reality twice per day as a psi-like ability.