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Colorless Boons


Alchor's Tomb(Ex)

It is not that you will go mad. It is that you will beg for madness.

Prerequisites: None

Benefit: Choose a non-colorless spell and a non-colorless boon yon don't know, from now on these two counts as colorless to you.

Disciple of Boseiju(Su)

Boseiju is the pillar that holds the sky from falling

Prerequisites: Not gained the benefit of another boon named "disciple of x" were x can be anything

Benefit: A disciple of Boseiju can cast one additional colorless spell of each level she have mastered each day. She also gains a +1 caster level to all colorless spells.

Spellbook (Ex)

Everything the wise woman learned she wrote in a book, and when the pages were black with ink, she took white ink and began again.
—Karn, silver golem


Benefit:When ever the planswalker gains a boon she may add 1 spell to her spells known, the spell must be from the list of one of the colors of the boon or from the colorless spell list if the boon is colorless. The spell must be of a level of spells the planeswalker can cast.

Special: When the planeswalker takes this boon she also gains one colorless spell known, The spell must be of a level of spells the planeswalker can cast.





Boseiju Legend (Ex)

Where Boseiju reaches the sky magic is born

Prerequisites: Disciple of Boseiju boon.

Benefit: What the boon does


Phyrexia Legend (Ex)

There's nothing I wouldn't give to achieve victory. Can you say the same?

Prerequisites: no white, blue, black, red or green boon.

Benefit: What the boon does


White Boons


Angelsong (Ex)

Clash of sword and cry of beast fall mute when angels sound the call to prayer.

Prerequisites: White loyalty

Benefit: Gains the following skills as class skills:

Diplomacy (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (Int) (Religion), Knowledge (Int) (History), Knowledge (Int) (Nobility and royalty), Listen (Wis), Perform (Cha), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), Speak Language (none) and Spot (Wis).

Armed Response (Su)

Raksha watched as the goblins continued to pour onto the Razor Fields. "They just don't know when to stop, do they?"

Prerequisites: White loyalty

Benefit: When you cast a white spell, You gain a deflection bonus to AC +1 for each white mana you have in your pool, for your level in planeswalker rounds.

Special: You can any time you have the armed response bonus up for 1 white mana before rolling a saving throw, remove the rest of the duration to get +1 resistance bonus for each 2 white mana you have have in your pool.

Battle Cry (Sp)

In the thick of battle, you must keep your wits about you. Yelling a lot helps, too.
—General Jarkeld, the Arctic Fox

Prerequisites: White loyalty

Benefit: The planeswalker can cast Summon Monster (but only summon good creatures]] by paying 1 mana per 2 levels of the spell (minimun 1), the planeswalker can only use levels of the spell that she knows other spells on.

Speciel: 1 mana must always be white when paying for Battle Cry.

Disciple of Karakas(Su)

To make a prairie it takes a clover and one bee,/ One clover, and a bee,/ And revery.

Prerequisites: White loyalty and not gained the benefit of another boon named "disciple of x" were x can be anything

Benefit: A disciple of Karakas can cast one additional white spell of each level she have mastered each day. She also gains a +1 caster level to all white spells.

Purelace (Ex)

Find the dens of evil and flood them with light.
—Hulo, the Penitent Wanderer

Prerequisites: White loyalty

Benefit: Choose a non-white spell and a non-white boon yon don't know, from now on these two counts as white to you.


Lifelink (Su)

Remember by whose gift you ascend.
—Milana, Orzhov prelate

Prerequisites:At least one other white boon.

Benefit:Whenever the planeswalker deals damage with a white spell, black spell or a melee attack she is also healed a number of hitpoint equal to the number of black and white boons she has, the number of hitpoints healed can never be higher than the damage dealth with the attack or spell.

First Strike (Ex)

Measure once, cut twice.

Prerequisites:At least one other white boon.

Benefit:The planeswalker gains a bonus to iniative equal to the number of white and red boons she haves.

The planeswalker also always act in suprice rounds.




Eiganjo Legend (Ex)

Since the war began, the castle's walls mark the only place where no evil has ever set foot.

Prerequisites: a white boon and no blue, black, red or green boon.

Benefit: What the boon does


Blue Boons


Artificer's Epiphany

The artificers of Kaladesh strive ceaselessly for perfection, progress, and the ultimate expression of elegance.

Prerequisites: Blue loyalty

Benefit: Gains the following skills as class skills:

Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disable Device (Int), Forgery (Int), Hide (Dex), Knowledge (Int) (Architecture and engineering), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Open Lock (Dex), Perform (Cha), Search (Int), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Speak Language (none), Spot (Wis) and Use Magic Device (Cha)

Call to Heel (Sp)

On Bant, a sigil is both a prize of honor and a bond of duty. The one who bears it may be called to fulfill that charge at any moment.

Prerequisites: Blue loyalty

Benefit: The planeswalker can cast Summon Monster (but only summon creatures with a fly speed) by paying 1 mana per 2 levels of the spell (minimun 1), the planeswalker can only use levels of the spell that she knows other spells on.

Speciel: 1 mana must always be blue when paying for Battle Cry.


I am the unraveler, the loosened thread that will not hold.

Prerequisites: Blue loyalty

Benefit: Choose a non-blue spell and a non-blue boon yon don't know, from now on these two counts as blue to you.

Disciple of Tolaria(Su)

Fairest Isle, all isles excelling,/ Seat of pleasures, and of loves

Prerequisites: Blue loyalty and not gained the benefit of another boon named "disciple of x" were x can be anything

Benefit: A disciple of Tolaria can cast one additional blue spell of each level she have mastered each day. She also gains a +1 caster level to all blue spells.

Icy Blast (Su)

Do not think the sand or the sun will hold back the breath of winter.

Prerequisites:Blue loyalty

Benefit:When a foe is targeted by a Blue spell that you cast, whether the spell is successful or not, that enemy suffers a -1 penalty to AC for each blue mana you have in the pool and a -1 penalty to reflex saves for each 2 blue mana you have in the pool, the penalty is for one round.

Speciel: The planeswalker can when casting a non-blue spell pay one blue mana as part of the casting to gain the benefit from icy blast on the spell.


Hexproof (Su)

You don't survive in the wild by standing in plain sight
—Garruk Wildspeaker

Prerequisites:At least one other blue boon.

Benefit:Any spell that targets the planeswalker only (Spells that target a area but only hits the planeswalker do not count), gets -1 to caster level per blue and green boon she has. The planeswalker also gets +1 resistance to all saves per 2 blue and green boons she has.

The Planeswalker can voluntarily lower its Hexproof. Doing so is a standard action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity. Once a creature lowers Hexproof, it remains down until the planeswalker uses a standard action to put it up agein.

Replicate (Su)

The clouds grew thick, and then they grew teeth.

Prerequisites:At least one other blue boon.

Benefit:When the planeswalker cast a blue or red spell that targets a single target she can use a number of mana from her pool equal to the level of the spell to copy the spell and target another target with the copy, at least one of the Mana must be Red or blue!




Minamo Legend (Ex)

Its students graduate the school and enter history.

Prerequisites: A Blue boon and no white, black, red or green boon.

Benefit: What the boon does


Black Boons


Ashen Powder (Su)

What you call decay, I call ripening. You'll gain no sustenance from this harvest.

Prerequisites: Black loyalty

Benefit: When a foe is targeted by a Black spell that you cast, whether the spell is successful or not, that enemy suffers a -1 penalty to Strenght for each 2 black mana you have in the pool and a -1 penalty to caster level for each 2 blue mana you have in the pool, the penalty is for one round.

Speciel: The planeswalker can when casting a non-black spell pay one black mana as part of the casting to gain the benefit from ashen powder on the spell.

Cruel Revival (Sp)

On Innistrad, Liliana embraced necromancy, honing her powers by practicing on scores of undead—and sometimes the living.

Prerequisites: Black loyalty

Benefit: The planeswalker can cast Summon Undead (from Liber Mortis) by paying 1 mana per 2 levels of the spell (minimun 1), the planeswalker can only use levels of the spell that she knows other spells on.

Speciel: 1 mana must always be black when paying for Cruel Revival.


If Heaven has placed it in your hands, it means that the throne is destined to be yours.

Prerequisites: Black loyalty

Benefit: Choose a non-black spell and a non-black boon yon don't know, from now on these two counts as black to you.

Disciple of Urborg(Su)

Fairest Isle, all isles excelling,/ Seat of pleasures, and of loves

Prerequisites: Black loyalty and not gained the benefit of another boon named "disciple of x" were x can be anything

Benefit: A disciple of Urborg can cast one additional black spell of each level she have mastered each day. She also gains a +1 caster level to all black spells.

Nightcreep (Ex)

Please tell me I'm hallucinating. I'd rather be crazy than here.
—Gorev Hadszak, Wojek investigator

Prerequisites: Black loyalty

Benefit: Gains the following skills as class skills:

Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Forgery (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (Int) (Dungeoneering), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Search (Int), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Spot (Wis), Tumble (Dex), and Use Rope (Dex).


Deathtouch (Ex)

What could be more irresistible than death?

Prerequisites: At least one other black boon.

Benefit: The planeswalker gets a number of Sneak Attack Dices equal to the number of Black and Green Boons she has in total (so a planeswalker with only this boon would have 1d6 Sneak Attack were a planswalker with 3 black boons and 5 green would have 8d6 Sneak Attack) For complete details on the Sneak Attack ability, see the description of the rogue in PHB. If a planeswalker gets sneak attack bonus from another source (such as rogue levels), the extra damage stacks.

Lifelink (Su)

Remember by whose gift you ascend.
—Milana, Orzhov prelate

Prerequisites:At least one other black boon.

Benefit:Whenever the planeswalker deals damage with a white spell, black spell or a melee attack she is also healed a number of hitpoint equal to the number of black and white boons she has, the number of hitpoints healed can never be higher than the damage dealth with the attack or spell.




Shizo Legend (Ex)

Centuries ago, Shizo was a verdant field of wildflowers. After nearly a 1000 died in a single battle on its grasses, it became a haunted moor.

Prerequisites: A black boon and no white, blue, red or green boon.

Benefit: What the boon does


Red Boons


Buccaneer's Bravado

Never underestimate the power of panache.

Prerequisites: Red loyalty

Benefit: Gains the following skills as class skills:

Appraise (Int), Autohypnosis (Wis), Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Listen (Wis), Perform (Cha), Ride (Dex), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex) and Use Rope (Dex)


After the fourth time Chandra left a place engulfed in flames, she decided to just go ahead and make it her thing.

Prerequisites: REd loyalty

Benefit: Choose a non-red spell and a non-red boon yon don't know, from now on these two counts as red to you.

Disciple of Hammerheim(Su)

Tis distance lends enchantment to the view,/ And robes the mountain in its azure hue.

Prerequisites: Red loyalty and not gained the benefit of another boon named "disciple of x" were x can be anything

Benefit: A disciple of Hammerheim can cast one additional red spell of each level she have mastered each day. She also gains a +1 caster level to all red spells.

Fierce Invocation (Sp)

Anger can empower those who embrace it.

Prerequisites: Red loyalty

Benefit: The planeswalker can cast Fire spells (lvl 3 is changed from Resist energy to fireball) by paying 1 mana per 2 levels of the spell (minimun 1), the planeswalker can only use levels of the spell that she knows other spells on.

Speciel: 1 mana must always be red when paying for Battle Cry.


First Stirke (Ex)

Measure once, cut twice.

Prerequisites:At least one other red boon.

Benefit:The planeswalker gains a bonus to iniative equal to the number of white and red boons she haves. The planeswalker also always act in suprice rounds.

Replicate (Su)

The clouds grew thick, and then they grew teeth.

Prerequisites:At least one other red boon.

Benefit:When the planeswalker cast a blue or red spell that targets a single target she can use a number of mana from her pool equal to the level of the spell to copy the spell and target another target with the copy At least one of the Mana must be Red or blue!




Shinka Legend (Ex)

The glow from within looks inviting, but woe awaits whomever finds out who stokes the fire or what simmers in the pot.

Prerequisites: A red boon and no white, blue, black or green boon.

Benefit: What the boon does


Green Boons


Disciple of Pendelhaven(Su)

This is the forest primeval. The murmuring pines and the hemlocks . . . Stand like Druids of eld.

Prerequisites: Green loyalty and not gained the benefit of another boon named "disciple of x" were x can be anything

Benefit: A disciple of Pendelhaven can cast one additional green spell of each level she have mastered each day. She also gains a +1 caster level to all green spells.

Dryad's Favor (Sp)

She grants knowledge of the ways to traverse the forest's invisible connections.

Prerequisites: Green loyalty

Benefit: The planeswalker can cast Summon Nature's Ally by paying 1 mana per 2 levels of the spell (minimun 1), the planeswalker can only use levels of the spell that she knows other spells on.

Speciel: 1 mana must always be green when paying for Dryad's Favor

Giant Growth (Su)

Here in Fyndhorn, the goddess Freyalise is generous to her children.
—Kolbjörn, Elder Druid of the Juniper Order

Prerequisites: Green loyalty

Benefit: You gain a +1 inherent bonus to Strenght for each 2 green boon you have have in your pool.

Special: You can for 1 green mana cast Enlarge Person on yourself only.

Lifelace (Ex)

I am the simplifier, the root that drags all artifice to earth.

Prerequisites: Green loyalty

Benefit: Choose a non-green spell and a non-green boon yon don't know, from now on these two counts as green to you.

Ranger's Guile (Ex)

You don't survive in the wild by standing in plain sight.
—Garruk Wildspeaker

Prerequisites: Green loyalty

Benefit: Gains the following skills as class skills:

Climb (Str), Handle Animal (Cha), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha) Jump (Str), Knowledge (Int) (Geography), Knowledge (Int) (Nature), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Ride (Dex), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis) and Swim (Str).


Deathtouch (Ex)

What could be more irresistible than death?

Prerequisites: At least one other green boon.

Benefit: The planeswalker gets a number of Sneak Attack Dices equal to the number of Black and Green Boons she has in total (so a planeswalker with only this boon would have 1d6 Sneak Attack were a planswalker with 3 black boons and 5 green would have 8d6 Sneak Attack) For complete details on the Sneak Attack ability, see the description of the rogue in PHB. If a planeswalker gets sneak attack bonus from another source (such as rogue levels), the extra damage stacks.

Hexproof (Su)

You don't survive in the wild by standing in plain sight
—Garruk Wildspeaker

Prerequisites: At least one other green boon.

Benefit:Any spell that targets the planeswalker only (Spells that target a area but only hits the planeswalker do not count), gets -1 to caster level per blue and green boons she has. The planeswalker also gets +1 resistance to all saves per 2 blue and green boons she has. The Planeswalker can voluntarily lower its Hexproof. Doing so is a standard action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity. Once a creature lowers Hexproof, it remains down until the planeswalker uses a standard action to put it up agein.




Okina Legend (Ex)

If a land can be said to have a heart, Okina is the heart of the world.

Prerequisites: A green boon and no white, blue, black or red boon.

Benefit: What the boon does


Multi-color Boons






Azorius Legend (Ex)

As peace should be—gentle yet unstoppable.
—Augustin IV

Prerequisites: A white boon, a blue boon and no black, red or green boon.

Benefit: What the boon does


Boros Legend (Ex)

Her sword burns with such brightness that foes avert their eyes and arrows divert their paths.

Prerequisites: A white boon, a red boon and no blue, black or green boon.

Benefit: What the boon does


Golgari Legend (Ex)

Like a single ant, it only hints at the colony below.

Prerequisites: A black boon, a green boon and no white, blue or red boon.

Benefit: What the boon does


Gruul Legend (Ex)

As perilous and unpredictable as the wilds themselves.

Prerequisites: A red boon, a green boon and no white, blue or black boon.

Benefit: What the boon does


Izzet Legend (Ex)

He has no patience for minds that do not inspire him or explode by trying.

Prerequisites: A blue boon, a red boon no white, black or green boon.

Benefit: What the boon does


Orzhov Legend (Ex)

The Orzhov care not for repentance, only repayment.

Prerequisites: A white boon, a black boon and no blue, red or green boon.

Benefit: What the boon does


Selesnya Legend (Ex)

A mark of unity when you want one; a fierce guardian when you need one.

Prerequisites: A white boon, a green boon and no blue, black or red boon.

Benefit: What the boon does


Simic Legend (Ex)

I used to hurl rocks and eat scraps of meat burned over a fire. Look at what I've become and tell me Simic does not hold infinite possibility

Prerequisites: A blue boon, a green boon and no white, black or red boon.

Benefit: What the boon does


Dimir Legend (Ex)

Dangerous to recognize. Deadly not to.

Prerequisites: A blue boon, a black boon no white, red or green boon.

Benefit: What the boon does


Rakdos Legend (Ex)

Great minds bleed alike.

Prerequisites: A black boon, a red boon and no white, blue or green boon.

Benefit: What the boon does


Bant Legend (Ex)

Be worthy of a single blessing, and many more will follow.

Prerequisites: A white boon, a blue boon, a green boon and no black or red boon.

Benefit: What the boon does


Esper Legend (Ex)

Revealing the truth only deepened Tezzeret's curiosity for the secrets still buried.

Prerequisites: A white boon, a blue boon, a black boon and no red or green boon.

Benefit: What the boon does


Grixis Legend (Ex)

There is always a greater power.

Prerequisites: A blue boon, a black boon, a red boon and no white or green boon.

Benefit: What the boon does


Jund Legend (Ex)

Words are a waste of time. Destruction is a language everyone understands.
—Sarkhan Vol

Prerequisites: A black boon, a red boon, a green boon and no white or blue boon.

Benefit: What the boon does


Naya Legend (Ex)

Retribution is best delivered by claws and rage, with both magnified.

Prerequisites: A white boon, a red boon, a green boon and no blue or black boon.

Benefit: What the boon does


Abzan Legend (Ex)

Stone to endure, roots to remember.

Prerequisites: A white boon, a black boon, a green boon and no blue or red boon.

Benefit: What the boon does


Jeskai Legend (Ex)

Discipline to persevere, insight to discover.

Prerequisites: A white boon, a blue boon, a red boon and no black or green boon.

Benefit: What the boon does


Mardu Legend (Ex)

Speed to strike, fury to smash.

Prerequisites: A white boon, a black boon, a red boon and no blue or green boon.

Benefit: What the boon does


Sultai Legend (Ex)

Power to dominate, cruelty to rule.

Prerequisites: A blue boon, a black boon, a green boon and no white or red boon.

Benefit: What the boon does


Temur Legend (Ex)

Savagery to survive, courage to triumph.

Prerequisites: A blue boon, a red boon, a green boon and no white or black boon.

Benefit: What the boon does


Dune Legend (Ex)

When it awoke, it spawned nameless thousands to herald its arrival.

Prerequisites: A white boon, a black boon, a red boon, a green boon and no blue boon

Benefit: What the boon does


Glint Legend (Ex)

When it awoke, it shook the plane with the thunder of its craving.

Prerequisites: A blue boon, a black boon, a red boon, a green boon and no white boon

Benefit: What the boon does


Ink Legend (Ex)

When it awoke, the mirrors of the world reflected only darkness.

Prerequisites: A white boon, a blue boon, a red boon, a green boon and no black boon

Benefit: What the boon does


Witch Legend (Ex)

When it awoke, it shattered the hillsides to make way for its passage.

Prerequisites: A white boon, a blue boon, a black boon, a green boon and no red boon

Benefit: What the boon does


Yore Legend (Ex)

When it awoke, the worms of the earth hissed in a chorus of beckoning.

Prerequisites: A white boon, a blue boon, a black boon, a red boon and no green boon

Benefit: What the boon does


Alara Legend (Ex)

The progeny of the Maelstrom shows no allegiance—and no mercy—to any of the five shards.

Prerequisites: A white boon, a blue boon, a black boon, a red boon and a green boon

Benefit: What the boon does
