Cala'diel (5e Campaign Setting)/Races/Nezumi

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A skaven on the field of battle.

Skaven are twitchy, agitated creatures. Their metabolism allows them to burn energy at an incredible rate, boosting their agility and speed to unnatural levels. This effect also gives them an enormous hunger, which after heavy exertion can be so bad that the skaven visibly weakens and often times dies. As a result the Skaven will feast on the dead of either side after a battle.

Physical Description

Skaven are usually around three to four feet tall when they stand up straight, although reports say the largest could reach five feet tall. Fur covers their bodies except for their ears, muzzles, hands and fleshy rat tails. Fur colour indicates a skaven's role in their society. Most skaven are a dark brown or black. Dark brown indicates leadership, intelligence and especially sorcerous ability. Those with black fur tend to be the largest and are considered to have the mark of a born killer, thus most black furred skaven become elite warriors or assassins. Nezumi never have black fur. Nezumi fur is always a light brown or tan.


Brown skaven with poison tipped weapons make their attack from the sewers at night.

The standard attitude of any skaven - if the universe was as it should be, the skaven would be the master race and the specific skaven in question would be the ruler of everthing. This leads to most skaven being very paranoid. This paranoia is justified however since every skaven is out to get every other skaven, and they all know it.

Here are some suggested backgrounds designed for playing a skaven in Cala'diel. If playing a nezumi you might want to be a Street Merchant. If playing a any other type of skaven you might want to be a Sewer Dweller.


Skaven society is a lawless world where the strongest and most cunning rise to the top, while the weakest are eaten or enslaved. Every skaven is constantly fighting for supremacy, whether to advance, or to defend his position from would-be usurpers. Fights are usually not to the death, but any skaven who is maimed will quickly be dispatched by the victor. Treachery is not seen as dishonourable in any way, indeed it is the traditional way of advancing in skaven society. All this in fighting leads to skaven living in small tight knit clans. Clans are usually lead by brown furred skaven. The leader of a clan is called a warlord. Warlords gain this title by killing the old leader and then continually killing those who try to take over. Warlords rule over clanrats. Clanrats are usually black furred skaven and do anything the warlord demands. Clanrats rule over skavenslaves. Skavenslaves are all the other skaven in the warlords clan. These skavenslaves are the ones who gather food and breed.

Female skaven are rare and, at most, semi-intelligent but are capable of giving birth to huge litters very frequently. This means that the skaven are probably the most numerous of all the races.


Skaven originate from the continents of Ibrna and Eskzor.


Skaven do not use last names and their names do not denote gender. A name is a name to the skaven, no gender bias. Their names usually contain S's and K's and V's. When skaven speak common everything they say sounds nearly the same. Nezumi have adopted last names to better fit in with the other races society. They usually take a last name that promotes their business. Skaven names: Sneelk, Skisqheel, Skrel, Stalk, Kralk, Zitch, Qilk

Nezumi names: Khet Loremaster, Vasqeek Magicseeker, Vit Weaponkeeper

Racial Traits

  • Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2.
  • Age. Skaven live to be around 40.
  • Alignment. Most skaven tend to be true neutral or lean toward chaotic neutral.
  • Size. Skaven are small and thin. They stand about three to four feet tall and average about 70 pounds. Your size is small.
  • Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet.
  • Poison Resistance. You have advantage on saving throws against poison, and you have resistance against poison damage.
  • Strong will to survive. A roll of a 1 on a death saving throw does not count as 2 failures. It only counts as 1 failure.
  • Darkvision. Accustomed to the twilit forest and night sky, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only in shades of gray.
  • Languages. Squeakish and Undercommon.
  • Subrace. You may select one subrace.

Black Skaven

  • Ability Score Increase. Your constitution score increases by 1.
  • Skaven Weapon Training. You have proficiency with daggers, light crossbows, and slings.
  • Magical Cantrip. You know the poison spray cantrip.
  • Poison expert. You have advantage on any wisdom (medicine) check made to identify any poison.
  • Superior Darkvision. Your darkvision has a radius of 120 feet.

Brown Skaven

  • Ability Score Increase. Your intelligence score increases by 1.
  • Skaven Weapon Training. You have proficiency with daggers, light crossbows, and slings.
  • Magical Cantrip. You know the acid splash cantrip.
  • Disease Resistance. You have advantage on any saving throw or check relating to disease.
  • Superior Darkvision. Your darkvision has a radius of 120 feet.


A Nezumi appraising items for some adventures on the docks of Jeuno.

Nezumi are skaven who have adapted to living above ground in cities with other races. Still viewed as "sketchy" by the other races, they earn a living running shops and collecting magic items. They are mostly found bartering with adventurers. Nezumi are much cleaner than skaven and this is noticeable when comparing the two. They appear much more civilized to the other races, who view skaven as dirty and disease-ridden.

  • Nezumi Weapon Training. You have proficiency with daggers, short swords, and light crossbows.
  • Identify Spell Mastery. You known the identify spell and can cast it twice per long rest. You do not have to use materials to cast it. If you chose to cast the spell more than twice per long rest you may do so. Follow the normal rules for spell casting except you still do not require materials.
  • Magic Item Lore. You have advantage on any Intelligence (Arcana) checks to find details on any magic items or weapons.