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In my head

Dark insight spells

Yellow sign

Becaus Hastur Hastur and Madness

Yellow fog

Solid fog with madness

Mundane veil

Instantios and remeves one dark insight instead of gaining madness, is removed when dark insight hits 0

Dark Summon

As summon but instansious and dark insight% for the creature gaining the far realm template and being free willed.

the 5 Alligned words feats

FEATS: Words of Creation, Dark Speech and 3 more for chaotic, lawfull and neutral allignment also reworked so they can be used by all classes. Now just have to repair and ballance the two offical vs my 3 homebrewed.


My thirdborn world not forgetting Apiron and Jastare Writing it all down

Small God

PRC: For druids who fokus on a single thing and find the divine spark withind.