Cala'diel (3.5e Campaign Setting)/Fish

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The waters of Cala'diel are filled with all different kinds of fish, and these fish carry all kinds of different magical traits. All types of monsters and humanoids use eat these fish, gaining many different temporary effects.

Fish Species[edit]

This is a list of the different fish species in Cala'diel.

  • Catfish
  • Sole
  • Pike
  • Cod
  • Carp
  • Salmon
  • Trout
  • Barracuda
  • Bass
  • Sturgeon
  • Mackerel
  • Tuna
  • Bluegill
  • Crappie
  • Bonito
  • Bream
  • Char
  • Swordfish
  • Marlin
  • Shark

Making Bait[edit]

Fish Breed, Location and Bait[edit]

Lake Ashby[edit]

Name Small Bait Medium Bait Large Bait DC Bait
Athlon Bluegill 01-50 01-35 10
Athlon Large Mouth Bass 51-70 36-70 01-30 10
Athlon Crappie 71-100 71-80 10
Ashby Bream 80-95 31-60 14
Red Carp 96-100 61-90 14
Athlon Sturgeon 91-100 20

Vivec River[edit]

Name Small Bait Medium Bait Large Bait DC Bait
Athlon Bluegill 01-20 01-10 10
Athlon Large Mouth Bass 21-50 11-30 01-10 10
Athlon Crappie 51-60 31-40 10
Silver Trout 41-55 11-30 15
Red Carp 56-70 31-60 14
Arcane Salmon 71-75 61-70 25
Cobalt Char 76-80 71-90 15
Vivec Bass 61-80 81-90 91-100 12
Vivec Sunny 81-100 91-100 11

Cobalt Ocean[edit]

Name Small Bait Medium Bait Large Bait DC Bait
Silver Trout 01-20 01-15 15
Cobalt Cod 21-45 16-30 01-30 15
Bloody Barracuda 46-55 31-45 19
Holy Mackerel 56-65 46-60 16
Steel Tuna 61-70 31-50 14
Armored Bonito 71-80 51-60 14
Cobalt Bass 66-80 14
Cobalt Char 81-95 15
Wandering Sole 81-90 61-70 16
Keen Marlin 91-95 71-80 20
Runic Bass 96-100 96-100 25
Cobalt Swordfish 81-90 21
Cloaked Shark 91-100 22