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Chaotic Good 

Source Books:

Lost Empires of Faerun, 3E Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting, 2E Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting 


Forgotten Realms 

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In the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game, the Tressym is a magical beast. They are winged cats, about the size of a housecat, with a pair of feathered, leathery wings extending to a 3 foot wingspan. They have owl-like faces, and a fluffy ball of fur and feathers at the end of their tail.

Tressyms are highly intelligent and sometimes kept as pets and familiars by good wizards. In the wild, they can be found in warm and temperate land.

Tressyms are chaotic good in alignment.


External links[edit]

There is an article about Tressym at Forgotten Realms Wiki.

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