Cardinal (5e Class)/Sin of the Mirror

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The Sin of the Mirror represents an unfettered pride so strong that it can overpower the egos - And spirits - Of others, and even retaliate against them for attempting to harm your perfect visage or for questioning your infallible logic. Where there is perfection, there you see yourself - Reflected in every virtue you see.

Create Poppet[edit]

Beginning at 1st level, you can create small humanoid figurines, made from cloth, wood, clay, or another similar soft material. Choose one of the following tools: Leatherworker's Tools (Leather, Bone), Mason's Tools (Stone), Potter's Tools (Clay), Weaver's Tools (Cloth), or Woodcarver's Tools (Wood). You gain proficiency with that type of tool.

When you finish a Long Rest, you can create a number of Poppets equal to your Proficiency Bonus; In order to do so, you must use one of the above tools which you are proficient in, and have access to 1lbper Poppet of the appropriate materials to make the doll (As defined by the tool you're using, above; These materials are consumed in the process of making the Poppets).

A Poppet is a Tiny object with immunity to Poison and Psychic damage, immunity to all conditions, an AC equal to 10 + your Proficiency Bonus + your Constitution modifier, and hit points equal to 5 + twice your Hemocraft level. The number of Poppets you can have in existence at one time is equal to your Proficiency Bonus; If a new Poppet beyond this limit is created, you must choose which of the existing Poppets to replace with the new one. When this occurs, the replaced poppet crumbles to dust and is destroyed.

Bind Poppet[edit]

Beginning at 1st level, as a bonus action, you can attempt to bind one of your Poppets to a creature within your Corpse Magic range. The creature must make a Charisma saving throw against your Hemocraft DC; On a failed save, it is bound to that Poppet, and the figurine takes on a physical appearance that resembles the target. The target remains bound to that Poppet until you release it as a bonus action, until you finish a Long Rest, until the Poppet is destroyed, or until the creature dies; A target is also freed from a Poppet the moment it is no longer on the same plane of existence as the Poppet, or if a spell such as Remove Curse or Break Enchantment is cast on either the Poppet or the creature the Poppet is bound to. When a creature is freed from a Poppet, the figurine crumbles uselessly and cannot be used again. You can only have one creature bound to an individual Poppet at a time.

When you make a melee attack roll, attempt to cast a spell that uses your Hemocraft ability as its spellcasting ability, or use a Crimson Rite, on a creature that is bound to one of your Poppets, as long as you have the bound Poppet in hand, you can target that creature regardless of range or line of sight. Additionally, while holding a Poppet, you know the Injury Level of the creature bound to it, as the figurine shows more signs of wear and decay the closer its captive is to death. Finally, when a bound creature dies, you can harvest it as if it were within your Corpse Magic range.


Alternatively, you can bind a Poppet to yourself until you finish a Long Rest. While this is dangerous should another Cardinal with this feature obtain the Poppet, when you would be reduced to 0hp, you can choose to destroy the Poppet instead to remain at 1hp. You can only be bound to one Poppet at a time.


At 3rd level, you gain three abilities you can use to affect creatures that are bound to one of your Poppets.

Pins and Needles[edit]

As an action, you can drive a tiny needle made of blood into one of your Poppets, slowly harming the creature bound to it. You can have a number of these needles in existence at one time equal to your Proficiency Bonus. Each needle lasts for 1 minute when created.

At the beginning of each of a bound creature's turns, it must make a Charisma saving throw - On a failed saving throw, it suffers Psychic damage equal to one roll of your Hemocraft Die for each needle currently embedded in the Poppet it is bound to. On a successful save, it suffers only half as much damage.

If the creature succeeds three saving throws in a row against Pins and Needles, they are immune to its effects until you finish a Long Rest.

Mend the Tear[edit]

Using the same tool you used to create the figurine, you can repair one of your Poppets as an action. In doing so, you must Major Rend - The creature bound to that Poppet regains hit points equal to the Rend Bonus of that Major Rend.

Beckon the Chained[edit]

You can cast the Message cantrip as a Will, targeting only a creature bound to a Poppet you are holding. When cast in this way, the range of the cantrip is unlimited, you don't need line of sight to the target, and you may change the sound of your voice to perfectly match any voice you have heard.

Additionally, as an action while holding one of your Poppets, you can expend one Sacrifice Point to cast the Command spell on the bound target, even if it can't hear you. When cast in this way, the spell doesn't require spell components, and the creature must immediately use its Reaction to carry out the command, instead of waiting until its next turn. The creature can choose to fail its saving throw. A creature that succeeds its saving throw is immune to this feature until you finish a Long Rest.

Living Poppet[edit]

Beginning at 7th level, you have learned to use your body as if it were a Poppet. When you use Bind Poppet, you can elect to use your body instead of using one of your Poppets; You can also transfer an existing bond from one of your Poppets to yourself by releasing the creature from the Poppet, without destroying the Poppet in question. While a creature is bound to your body, when either you or the bonded creature takes damage, you must make opposed Charisma saving throws - Whoever has the higher roll suffers no damage, and whoever has the lower roll suffers the damage. If the entity with the lower roll is not the original target of the damage, the type of the damage is changed to Psychic damage.

For example, if a 7th-level Cardinal binds to an Ogre, and the Ogre attacks her with its club for 16 points of damage. Both creatures roll Charisma saving throws; If the Cardinal rolls lower than the Ogre, she suffers 16 points of Bludgeoning damage as normal; If the Ogre rolls lower than the Cardinal, the Ogre suffers 16 points of Psychic damage while the Cardinal is unharmed.

Any other non-damaging effects of an attack, spell or ability, such as the Paralyzed or the Poisoned conditions, are not transferred by this ability, and must be suffered by the original target as normal. The creature remains bound to you until one of you dies, you release the creature as a bonus action, or until one hour has passed. If the target of this enchantment is reduced to 0hp, you can use your bonus action on subsequent turns to attempt to change the binding to a new target, provided it fails a Charisma saving throw, or is already bound to one of your Poppets, as normal.

Once you use this feature, you must finish a Long Rest before you must do so again.

Superior Spirit[edit]

Beginning at 7th level, you gain proficiency with Charisma saving throws if you did not already possess it. Additionally, when you make a Charisma saving throw, you may Minor Rend to the roll, and add the Rend Bonus to the result of the check. If you can already Rend to Charisma saving throws (Such as from the Birth of the Ephemeral feature), you also gain advantage on the saving throw when you Rend. Finally, you cannot be possessed by any creature unless you choose to be.

Tooth and Claw[edit]

Beginning at 11th level, if you possess a piece of a creature - A tooth, a fingernail, a lock of hair, a few drops of blood, or etc. -That has been taken from them in the last 24 hours - You can imbue it into a Poppet when you bind them to it using Bind Poppet. In doing so, all physical matter on your person that was taken from the target creature's form is consumed.

When you create a Poppet using this feature, it has disadvantage on any saving throws it makes against Bind Poppet, Pins and Needles, Beckon the Chained, and Living Poppet for 1 hour or until it is no longer bound to the Poppet.

Once you use this feature, you must finish a Long Rest before you may do so again.

Bearer of the Mirror Mask[edit]

Beginning at 11th level, when you successfully bind a creature to a poppet using Bind Poppet, you can choose for their appearance to change to match yours as long as they remain bound, as if by the Change Appearance option of the Alter Self spell. Any changes in your general physical appearance are reflected in theirs - Every wound, every wardrobe change (But not your current movements, posture, expression, or so on), etc. You can end or resume this altered appearance for any individual bound creature as a bonus action.

Master of the Mirror Chain[edit]

Beginning at 15th level, your subclass features gain the following benefits.

Unwilling Flesh[edit]

When you use your Living Poppet feature, you may choose to bind the target creature to another secondary creature, called a Mirror Thrall, instead of to yourself. The Mirror Thrall must be within your Corpse Magic range, and it must fail a Charisma saving throw against your Hemocraft save DC. You can also use a creature already bound to one of your Poppets as your Mirror Thrall by releasing the creature from the Poppet, without destroying the Poppet in question.

If the target creature or the Mirror Thrall dies, you can use your bonus action to transfer the severed half of the binding to a new target, provided it fails a Charisma saving throw, or is already bound to one of your Poppets, as normal.

Silver Thread[edit]

When you use your Beckon the Chained feature, you can choose to use this feature, casting Dominate Monster on the target instead of Command, and becoming blinded and deafened with regard to your own senses for the duration, while seeing and hearing exactly as the dominated creature does.

If the target succeeds its saving throw, or the spell ends, that target is immune to this feature and to Beckon The Chained until you finish a Long Rest.

Agony of Servitude[edit]

When you use your Pins and Needles feature, the duration is now unlimited, and you may use your action to embed a number of needles not exceeding your Proficiency Bonus into your Poppets; You may divide the needles up among the Poppets as you choose. Once you use this feature, you must finish a Long Rest before you may do so again.

Weaver of Fates[edit]

Beginning at 18th level, you reach the very pinnacle of your dominion over others, gaining the following benefits.

  • When you use Bind Poppet, you can bind a number of creatures not exceeding your Proficiency Modifier, provided you have an available Poppet for each creature. You must finish a Short or Long Rest before you may do so again.
  • You regain the use of your Living Poppet, Tooth and Claw and Agony of Servitude features when you finish a Short or Long Rest.
  • Any creature that has gained immunity to your Pins and Needles, Beckon the Chained or Silver Thread features by succeeding saving throws has that immunity removed once you finish a Short or Long Rest.
  • When you create a Poppet, you can expend 50gp to make it permanent. In doing so, the Poppet's hit points are increased to 10, plus 5 times your Hemocraft level; The Poppet does not count against the number of Poppets you can have in existence at one time; And any creature bound to it is not released when you finish a Long Rest.