Cardinal (5e Class)/Sin of the Void
Some Cardinals, often called Riftwalkers, are always looking to run - Either away from or towards something, never happy with the life they have. This yearning becomes a bleak nothingness, a void they are trying to fill, and begins to consume their existence, as their ties to reality weaken with their life force. So take that first step beyond the threshold - The key to everything is nothing.
Each time you use your life force to fuel your Hemocraft, your existence begins to slip out of sync with reality, and you've learned to use this to your advantage. At 1st level, this disconnect with reality is represented by Flux Points. Each time you Rend yourself or expend a Sacrifice Point, you gain 1 Flux Point, plus one additional Flux Point for every 5 hit points you lost to that Rend or Sacrifice Point. The maximum number of Flux Points you can safely have at any time is equal to twice your Proficiency Bonus. Any Flux Points you may have are lost when you finish a Long Rest. For each Flux Point you gain beyond your maximum number of Flux Points, your maximum hit points are cumulatively reduced by 5. This reduction in maximum hit points can Destabilize you, as noted below.
Additionally, as a bonus action, you can choose to gain one Flux Point. When you do, you must roll your Hemocraft Die once, losing that number of hit points, and reducing your maximum hit points by an equal amount; You are affected by Crimson Decay and Crimson Enervation as if you had Rended yourself. This reduction in maximum hit points can Destabilize you, as noted below.
Flux Destabilization[edit]
When Flux reduces your maximum hit points, the reduction in maximum hit points lasts until you finish a Long Rest, and cannot be removed in any other way. If this would reduce you to 0 or fewer maximum Hit Points, you Destabilize - Causing you to fall unconscious with 0 hit points (Though you are stable), and you briefly de-sync from reality, transported to a location on another plane determined by your DM. This involuntary extraplanar travel is typically random, but some Cardinals tend to end up in specific places they have strong ties to for one reason or another, so be sure to talk with your DM to determine the nature of your Flux and where it takes you when it overwhelms you.
Potentia Shift[edit]
At 1st level, you learn various ways to utilize the Flux you have accrued; These abilities are called Potentia Shifts. You learn two Shifts of your choice at 1st level; You learn an additional Shift at 3rd, 7th, 11th, 15th, and 18th levels. Each time you gain a level in this class, you may replace one Shift you know with another Shift of your choice. You must meet a Shift's prerequisites to learn it.
Each Shift requires you to expend a number of Flux Points in order to use it. The full list of Potentia Shifts is detailed at the end of this subclass description.
Below are the Shifts you can learn with your Potentia Shift ability.
Convergent Strike[edit]
You've learned to bend dozens of timelines into one place, converging at the exact moment you strike a creature, so as to hit them with a thousand versions of your blade at once. As an action, you can spend one Flux Point to make a single weapon attack against a target; This attack cannot critically hit. On a successful hit, instead of dealing the weapon's normal damage, the attack deals damage of the appropriate type equal to the ability modifier used for the attack (Strength for a warhammer or Dexterity for a crossbow, etc.), plus any relevant bonus damage.
Additionally, on a successful hit, you may roll the attack roll again. You may keep rolling attack rolls until one of the rolls misses the target. For each successful roll, another timeline converges at the moment you strike, cumulatively increasing the weapon's damage by an amount equal to the ability modifier used for the attack.
For example, say a 5th-level Cardinal with a Strength of 16 (+3) and a Constitution of 18 (+4) uses Convergent Strike on a target using a Longsword, in combination with the Torment of the Pyre. The first roll hits, dealing 3 points of Slashing damage and 4 points of Fire damage. The Cardinal can then use Blade of Blood with their active Torment, dealing 8 additional points of Fire damage, for a total of 3 Slashing, 12 Fire. They may then roll the attack roll again; Each successful attack roll causes the attack to deal an additional 3 points of Slashing damage, until the Cardinal misses. If the Cardinal succeeded at four additional rolls before missing, the target would take 15 points of Slashing damage and 12 points of Fire damage.
When you succeed a Dexterity saving throw or when an opponent misses you with an attack, you may spend 1 Flux Point to teleport to an unoccupied space you can see within 5ft of your current location.
Additionally, when this ability is triggered, you may choose to teleport farther by expending your Reaction; In doing so, you may teleport to an unoccupied space you can see within your Corpse Magic range, spending 1 Flux Point for every 5ft traveled in this manner.
Rippling Strike[edit]
You've learned to alter your melee attacks, sending ripples through space and time to strike at distant foes. When you make a melee attack, you can spend 1 Flux Point to target a creature with that melee attack within double your Corpse Magic range, instead of the attack's normal reach. This doesn't extend the reach at which you may make opportunity attacks.
For example, a 5th-level Cardinal (Corpse Magic range of 15ft) could use their Attack action to make two melee attacks against targets within 30ft.
Rift Strike[edit]
You've learned to slip through time and space as you fight, warping reality to change your position in between attacks. Immediately before or after you make an attack, you can choose to teleport to an unoccupied space you can see within your Corpse Magic range. In order to do so, you must expend 1 Flux Point for every 5ft traveled in this manner.