Desparta Desimundo (3.5e Campaign Setting)/Cosmology
From Dungeons and Dragons Wiki
Lef'nash - The Fires of Purgatory[edit]
- Realm of fire and burning.
- Contains burning angels that torment those here to expunge them of sin, evil deeds, earthly desires.
- This causes them to purify and join their essence to that of the universe, ready to be sent back into the material place.
- People that up end here are more likely to be passionate and emotional.
Bortine - The Library of Eternal Cold[edit]
- Realm of frozen cold.
- Contains "librarians" and "auditors" or sorts, as well as the Infinite Library, which holds all the information of the universe ever.
- People are locked frozen here for eternity to be cataloged and accounted for.
- People that up end here are more likely to be logical and unemotional.
Murdoe - The Mirror of Shadows[edit]
- Contains everything that might be, millions of half-formed shades.
- If someone is killed in here, one of the shades can take over their lives, turning into a twisted parody of them.
- Entering causes the shades to immediately attack.
- People who end up here are more likely to trust neither their logic nor feelings, but instead something greater such as their intuition or a different figure.