Diablo (3.5e Sourcebook)/Characters
From Dungeons and Dragons Wiki
The races used here are as follows:
Elf, Diablo, and
Vampire, Diablo.
Elves have different racial traits in Diablo.
- +2 Wisdom, +2 Charisma, -2 Strength
- Medium
- Speed 40ft
- Low-light Vision
- Spell Resistance (Su): Elves have Spell Resistance equal to 11+(Hit Die)
- Spellmaster (Su): Elves choose one first level spell at first level to use at will
- Automatic Languages: Common and Elven. Bonus Languages: Any
- Favored Class: Sorcerer
Vampires have different racial traits in Diablo.
- Undead
- Medium
- Speed 30ft
- Darkvision 60ft and Low-light Vision
- Light Blindness: Vampires are blinded when exposed to bright light
- Aberrant Sustenance (Su): A vampire need not eat, but it must drink the blood of one living, corporeal creature each night to survive
- Automatic Language: Common. Bonus Languages: Any
- Favored Class: Necromancer
The classes used here are as follows:
Necromancer, Diablo,
Sorcerer, and
Necromancers in Diablo are variant Clerics. They may not be Good, and cannot turn undead (they may still rebuke, command, or destroy, regardless of alignment). They always have the Death domain, and, rather than gaining a second domain, they gain a Skeletal Animal Companion. Their Hit Die is d6, and their Skill Ranks are 4+Int Modifier.