Publication:Dungeon Master's Guide (4e)
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Aa | Type | Page Number |
absent players | 121, 122 | |
Abyss, the | 160 | |
action point | 41, 123 | |
actor | player motivation | 8 |
adventure setting | 106 | |
adventure structure | 100 | |
adventures, event-based | 115 | |
adventures, linking | 144 | |
adventures, published | 96 | |
alert | monster readiness | 36 |
allies as targets | 40 | |
allies | cast of characters | 116 |
altitude | environment | 159 |
aquatic combat | 45 | |
Arcana skill | 26 | |
arrow slits | terrain | 66 |
art object | 124 | |
artifact | 164 | |
artillery | monster role | 54, 62 |
asleep | monster readiness | 36 |
astral diamonds | 124 | |
Astral Sea | 160 | |
Axe of the Dwarvish Lords | 165 | |
Bb | Type | Page Number |
background, character | 10, 11, 142 | |
battle champion | template | 176 |
battle grid/battle map | 7, 25, 112 | |
blaster | trap/hazard role | 86 |
blindsight | 67 | |
blocked vision | 37 | |
blocking terrain | 44, 60 | |
blood rock | terrain | 67 |
bloodied | 27 | |
bodyguard | template | 177 |
brute | monster role | 54, 62 |
Cc | Type | Page Number |
campaign story | 140 | |
campaign theme | 134 | |
campaigns, published | 132 | |
cast of characters | 116 | |
catwalk | terrain | 66 |
cave slime | terrain | 67 |
challenging terrain | 44, 60 | |
character origin and background | 142 | |
character roles | 10 | |
charge | mounted combat | 47 |
choke frost | terrain | 67 |
choosing class powers | 182 | |
city buildings | 111 | |
city traits | 153 | |
civilization | 152 | |
class templates | 182 | |
cloudspore | terrain | 67 |
cold | environment | 159 |
combat cards | 38, 220 | |
commerce | civilization | 154 |
complexity | encounters | 104 |
complexity | skill challenges | 72 |
concealment | 61 | |
concordance | artifacts | 164 |
conditions and effects | 27, 40 | |
controller | monster role | 54, 62 |
cover terrain | 62 | |
cover | 43 | |
critical success and failure | house rule | 189 |
cryptograms | 82, 83 | |
current | underwater terrain | 45 |
Dd | Type | Page Number |
D&D Insider | 7 | |
D&D world, the | 150 | |
damage by level | table | 42, 185 |
damage, improvised | 42 | |
damaging objects | 65 | |
darkvision | 67 | |
death knight | template | 177 |
death master | template | 177 |
death | of characters | 30 |
defense | civilization | 154 |
deities | 162 | |
demagogue | template | 178 |
demonic acolyte | template | 178 |
devastator | template | 178 |
diagonal walls | 113 | |
difficult terrain | 44, 48, 60, 64, 65 | |
Difficulty Class by level | table | 42 |
disease | 49 | |
distracted | monster readiness | 36 |
"DM’s best friend" | 42 | |
doors | 64 | |
drowning | suffocation | 159 |
dungeon | dressing 64 | |
dungeon | rooms 110 | |
Dungeoneering skill | 26 | |
dungeons, random | 190 | |
duplicate monster abilities | 176 | |
Ee | Type | Page Number |
earning XP | 120 | |
Elemental Chaos | 160 | |
elite and solo traps | 86 | |
elite monsters | 55, 59 | |
ember moss | terrain | 67 |
encounter difficulty | 30 | |
encounter level | 56 | |
encounter mix | 104 | |
encounters, generating | 194 | |
encounters, random | 193 | |
ending a campaign | 147 | |
Endurance skill | 49, 50, 158, 159 | |
enemies | cast of characters | 116 |
environmental dangers | 158 | |
epic tier | 146 | |
event-based adventures | 115 | |
experience point rewards | table | 57, 120 |
experience points | 120 | |
explorer | player motivation | 8 |
extended rest | 41 | |
extras | cast of characters | 117 |
Eye of Vecna | 167 | |
Ff | Type | Page Number |
falling damage | 44 | |
feyborn | template | 179 |
Feywild | 161 | |
flying | 47 | |
foliage, leaves, and vines | terrain | 66 |
font of power | terrain | 68 |
forced movement | 44, 46 | |
frost adept(template | 179 | |
fumble | house rule | 189 |
functional templates | 176 | |
furnishings and features | 111 | |
furniture | terrain | 66 |
Gg | Type | Page Number |
gems | 124 | |
gods | 162 | |
government | civilization | 154 |
grab grass | terrain | 68 |
grasping slime | terrain | 68 |
group size | 6, 31, 58, 125 | |
group skill checks | 75 | |
Hh | Type | Page Number |
Hand of Vecna | 168 | |
handouts | 25 | |
hazards | 27, 59 | |
heal skill | 49 | |
healing surges | 76, 159 | |
heat | environment | 159 |
heroic tier | 146 | |
hills | terrain | 66 |
hindering terrain | 44, 61 | |
History skill | 26 | |
house rules | 188 | |
Ii | Type | Page Number |
ice | terrain | 66 |
illusions | terrain | 68 |
illusory wall | terrain | 68 |
immortality | 147 | |
improvised damage | 42 | |
initiative | 38, 46 | |
Insight skill | 26 | |
instigator | player motivation | 8 |
Invulnerable Coat of Arnd | 170 | |
Kk | Type | Page Number |
knowledge checks | 26 | |
Ll | Type | Page Number |
ladder | 65 | |
language | 171 | |
leader | monster role | 55 |
ledges and platforms | 65 | |
leveling up | 121 | |
lich | template | 179 |
light source | 66 | |
listening through a door | 37 | |
loadstone | terrain | 68 |
logic puzzles | 82, 84 | |
low-light vision | 67 | |
lurker | monster role | 54, 62 |
lurker | trap/hazard role | 96 |
Mm | Type | Page Number |
magic item economy, the | 155 | |
magic item | treasure | 125 |
magic item | 27, 174 | |
mapping | 112, 154 | |
metagame thinking | 15 | |
milestones | 123 | |
miniatures | 7, 25 | |
minion | monster role | 54, 59 |
mirror crystal | terrain | 68 |
missing players | 14 | |
monetary treasure | 124 | |
monster magic threshold | table | 174 |
monster statistics by role | table | 184 |
monsters, creating | 184 | |
monsters, customizing | 174 | |
mounted combat | 46 | |
movement in three dimensions | 45 | |
multiple characters | 14 | |
mummy champion | template | 179 |
mummy lord | template | 180 |
mundane terrain | 64 | |
murder holes | terrain | 66 |
Nn | Type | Page Number |
Nature skill | 26 | |
necromantic energy | environment | 159 |
NPC level bonus and magic threshold | table | 187 |
NPCs, creating | 186 | |
number grids | puzzles | 82, 84 |
Oo | Type | Page Number |
objects, damaging | 65 | |
obscured terrain | 61 | |
obstacle | trap/hazard role | 86 |
obstacle | 27 | |
opposed check | skill challenges | 74 |
organizations | civilization | 155 |
outdoor settings | 114 | |
outdoor terrain | 66 | |
Pp | Type | Page Number |
paragon tier | 146 | |
passive skill check | 26, 74 | |
patrons | cast of characters | 116 |
Perception skill | 26, 36, 37, 41, 64 | |
pillar of life | terrain | 68 |
player motivations | 8, 105 | |
playing without a DM | 195 | |
poison | 50 | |
pools | 65 | |
portcullises | 64 | |
potions | treasure | 126 |
power gamer | player motivation | 9 |
powers by class level | table | 143 |
precipitous terrain | 44 | |
problems in adventures | 98 | |
Type | Page Number | |
quest rewards | 122 | |
quests | 102, 122 | |
quick hit points | table | 143 |
quotation puzzles | 82, 83 | |
Rr | Type | Page Number |
random dungeons | 190 | |
random encounters | 193 | |
rate of advancement | 121 | |
ready | monster readiness | 36 |
Religion skill | 26 | |
religion | civilization | 155 |
riddles | 83 | |
ritual | 27 | |
rolling dice | 15 | |
Ss | Type | Page Number |
sacred circle | terrain | 68 |
sand and dirt | terrain | 66 |
savage berserker | template | 180 |
scion of flame | template | 180 |
searching the room | 41 | |
secret doors | 65 | |
settlements, fantastic | 157 | |
settlements | 152 | |
shadowborn stalker | template | 181 |
Shadowfell | 161 | |
short rest | 41 | |
Sigil | 160 | |
skill challenges | 72, 84 | |
skill check Difficulty Class | table | 61 |
skirmisher | monster role | 54, 62 |
slayer | player motivation | 9 |
slides | terrain | 68 |
smoke or ash | environment | 159 |
soldier | monster role | 55, 62 |
solo monster | 55, 59 | |
soul weapon | 177 | |
spiderweb | terrain | 69 |
squeezing | mounted combat | 47 |
stairs | 65 | |
starting at higher level | 143 | |
starvation | 159 | |
statues and pillars | 65 | |
Stealth skill | 36, 37 | |
storyteller | player motivation | 9 |
streets | terrain | 66 |
suffocation | 159 | |
super adventures | 138 | |
supplies | 6 | |
surprise | 36 | |
swamp | terrain | 66 |
Tt | Type | Page Number |
tapestries and curtains | 65 | |
target encounter XP totals | table | 57 |
targets, legitimate | 40 | |
teleportation circles | 156 | |
teleporters | terrain | 69 |
templates | 175 | |
terrain features | 110 | |
thinker | player motivation | 9 |
thirst | 159 | |
three dimensions | 45 | |
tiers of play | 146 | |
town traits | 153 | |
trap | 27, 59 | |
trapdoor | 65 | |
traps and hazards | 85, 105 | |
treasure parcels | 126 | |
treasure | 124 | |
trees | terrain | 66 |
tremorsense | 67 | |
Uu | Type | Page Number |
undergrowth | terrain | 66 |
underwater terrain | 45 | |
Vv | Type | Page Number |
vampire lord | template | 181 |
village traits | 153 | |
vision and special senses | 67 | |
Ww | Type | Page Number |
walls | 64 | |
warder | trap/hazard role | 86 |
watcher | player motivation | 10 |
weather | 158, 159 | |
whirlwind | terrain | 69 |
wilderness | 158 | |
windows | terrain | 66 |
word puzzles | 82, 83 | |
words of power | 171 |
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Facts about "Dungeon Master's Guide (4e)"
Abbreviation | DMG + |
Identifier | 4e + |
Publisher | Wizards of the Coast + |
System | Dungeons and Dragons 4e + |
Title | Dungeon Master's Guide + |