Hexknight (3.5e Class)/Doom

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Hexknight's Doom List[edit]

When a creature is affected by a doom it automatically know it effect and who is the source. A doom can be suppressed by doing certain actions, usually striking the hexknight. When a doom is suppressed, all of it effect cease until the end of the target's next turn. An hexknight may only have a single doom active at any given time, if she initiate another her previous is instantly dispelled alongside any effect it had. Once a doom is used on a creature it suffer it effect until a remove curse is used on them or until they break line of sight with the hexknight for more than 1 round.

Prerequisites: An hexknight must be meet all the prerequisites for acquiring a doom.

Effect: What the doom do.

Suppression: How to suppress this particular doom.

Sign: The visible effect of the doom, it can usually be seen by everyone although some are only visible to some creatures. Even if a doom has no sign the target is still aware it is afflicted, what will happen, how to suppress it and who is the causing it.

The Hexknight pick her Dooms from the following list:

Alluring Enticement[edit]

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Effect: As long as this doom is in effect, the target is At Bay from everything but you. In effect, unless it move toward you it move at half speed and must fight defensively against all other creatures. It is not considered At Bay from an area.
  • Suppression: This doom may be suppressed by averting one's gaze (much like a gaze attack).
  • Sign: The Hexknight appears to be immaculately beautiful in the eyes of the target, this sign is invisible to other creatures.

Curse of the Youkai[edit]

  • Prerequisites: 12th level
  • Effect: After 3 round has the passed after the doom was issued or suppressed, the target must make a Fortitude save or be polymorphed as the baleful polymorph spell.
  • Suppression: This doom may be suppressed by dealing damage to the Hexknight.
  • Sign: None

Cyclopean Sccourge[edit]

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Effect: After 1 round has the passed after the doom was issued or suppressed the target become Staggered.
  • Suppression: This doom may be suppressed by moving toward the Hexknight at least 10 feet or by making a melee attack against her.
  • Sign: A giant eye floating over the hexknight, staring at the target of the doom.

Eternal Violence[edit]

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Effect: After 1 round has the passed after the doom was issued or suppressed the target take a cumulative -1 penalty to attack roll, damage roll and caster level, to a maximum of -5.
  • Suppression: If the target deal damage to the hexknight or do not attack during an entire turn, the doom is suppressed and the penalty decrease by 1.
  • Sign: None

Eye of Calamity[edit]

  • Prerequisites: 8th level
  • Effect: After 1 round has the passed after the doom was issued or suppressed, the target of this curse take 50% extra damage from all sources.
  • Suppression: This doom may be suppressed by either damaging the hexknight in melee or taking the total defense action.
  • Sign: A giant orange dragon eye open over the head of the target.

Grasp of the Dead[edit]

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Effect: After 1 round has the passed after the doom was issued or suppressed the target become grappled with ghostly undead arms and hands. The target become Immobilized and take 2d6 + the hexknight's Charisma modifier in bludgeoning damage.
  • Suppression: This doom may be suppressed by making a DC 20 Strength or Escape Artist check as a full-round action when Immobilized by this doom, or moving at least 30 feet in a round.
  • Sign: The earth and air around the target pulse strangely, as if something was struggling behind it.

Hatred Everlasting[edit]

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Effect: As long as this doom is in effect, the target become overcome with grief and hatred toward you and everyone else. After 1 round has the passed after the doom was issued or suppressed, the target has a 50% failure on any actions which may not be performed while under a Barbarian's Rage.
  • Suppression: This doom may be suppressed by either attacking the hexknight in melee or taking a standard action to calm down.
  • Sign: None

Hex of Unhealing[edit]

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Effect: As long as this doom is in effect, any lethal damage the creature heal is dealt back as non-lethal damage and it cannot heal non-lethal damage. After 2 round has the passed since target last healed, the target become completely incapable of healing as long as the doom is in effect.
  • Suppression: This doom may be suppressed by making or receiving a DC 20 Heal check as a full-round action.
  • Sign: The target of the doom is surrounded with strange violet wave.

Inevitable Curse[edit]

  • Prerequisites: 8th Level
  • Effect: After 3 round has the passed after the doom was issued or suppressed, the target become the target of a single bestow curse effect with a -4 penalty to saves against it. Once the target is afflicted the curse is permanent as normal, however this ability cannot inflict multiple curse on the same creature. Instead if it fail it save a second time you may change what the curse is.
  • Suppression: This doom can be suppressed by striking the Hexknight in melee or succeeding on a Will save against one of her ability.
  • Sign: A black mist slowly enshroud the target as the rounds passed, completely covering it during the 3rd round.

Maddening Echoes[edit]

  • Prerequisites: 4th Level
  • Effect: After 1 round has the passed after the doom was issued or suppressed, at the start of each of it target's turn it take a single point of madness.
  • Suppression: This doom may be suppressed by successfully dealing damage to the Hexknight, or by being deafened.
  • Sign: None

Sanguine Emergence[edit]

  • Prerequisites: 4th Level
  • Effect: As long as this doom is in effect the target take 1 point of bleed at the start of each of it turn, this bleed does not heal as long as the doom is in effect. After 3 round has the passed after the doom was issued or suppressed the target suffer immediate bleedout.
  • Suppression: This doom is suppressed when the target bleedout or if she deal at least
  • Sign: A large amount of spectral red blade appears around the target and slash aggressively at it.