Krasis (5e)/Adaptation

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 5th edition (2014) Pointer  + 

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Major Adaptations[edit]

  1. Acidic Skin  [1] 
  2. Armored Hide
  3. Bioluminescent Markings
  4. Flight
  5. Grabber
  6. Hypnotic Display
  7. Venomous Sting
  8. Regeneration

Minor Adaptations[edit]

  1. Amorphous Structure  [2] 
  2. Aquatic
  3. Climbing Speed
  4. Cryptic Skin
  5. Heightened Awareness
  6. Ink Cloud
  7. Leaping Legs
  8. Stabilizing Legs

Sources and Notes[edit]

  1. GGtR p.210-211
  2. GGtR p.212

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AuthorGuildmasters' Guide to Ravnica +
Canontrue +
PublicationGuildmasters' Guide to Ravnica +