Nocturnus, Archdemon of the Night (3.5e Witch Patron)/Alternate Hexes

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Alternate Hexes[edit]

Abyssal Allegiance (Ex)[edit]

The Patron Witch gain Summon Specialization (Demon) but become unable to summon Lawful or Good creatures.

Blood Magic (Ex)[edit]

When casting a spell, you may cause yourself 1 point of damage per spell level. If you do you gain the benefits of the Alternative Eschew Materials feat for the casting of the spell. This hex count as the actual feat for the purpose of prerequisites.

At 5th level you gain Cast Blood Rune feat as a bonus feat.

Dark Drift [Major Hex] (Su)[edit]

The Patron Witch disappear, leaving a large Bat Swarm centered around the square she stood in and teleport as per dimension door. The swarm remain for 1 round and is hostile to all creatures except the Patron Witch and her allies.

See in Darkness [Major Hex] (Su)[edit]

The Patron Witch's gain See in Darkness as a Devil.

Wear the Night (Su)[edit]

A Patron Witch with this hex make the clothing she create through the Bat out of Hell into Nighthide that count as both an armor and cloak. It now grant her an Armor Bonus equal to 2 + 1/3rd of her class level rounded up. It count as light armor that she is proficient in, it does not have any Arcane Spell Failure, Armor Check Penalty or Max Dexterity.

A patron witch must be at least 4th level in order to select this Hex.

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