From Dungeons and Dragons Wiki
Pages using the property "Ability"
Showing 25 pages using this property.
A | |
Ability Score Improvement + | Choice + |
Acolyte + | Intelligence +, Wisdom +, Charisma + |
Acolyte + | +2 [[SRD5:Wisdom|Wisdom]], +1 [[SRD5:Intelligence|Intelligence]] + |
Actor + | Charisma + |
Artificer + | [[Intelligence (5e24)|Intelligence]] + |
Artisan + | Strength +, Dexterity +, Intelligence + |
Artisan + | +2 [[SRD5:Intelligence|Intelligence]], +1 [[SRD5:Charisma|Charisma]] + |
Athlete + | Strength +, Dexterity + |
B | |
Barbarian + | [[Strength (5e24)|Strength]] + |
Bard + | [[Charisma (5e24)|Charisma]] + |
Boon of Combat Prowess + | Choice + |
Boon of Dimensional Travel + | Choice + |
Boon of Energy Resistance + | Choice + |
Boon of Fate + | Choice + |
Boon of Fortitude + | Choice + |
Boon of Irresistible Offense + | Strength +, Dexterity + |
Boon of the Night Spirit + | Choice + |
Boon of Recovery + | Choice + |
Boon of Skill + | Choice + |
Boon of Speed + | Choice + |
Boon of Spell Recall + | Choice + |
Boon of Truesight + | Choice + |
C | |
Charger + | Strength +, Dexterity + |
Charlatan + | Dexterity +, Constitution +, Charisma + |
Charlatan + | +2 [[SRD5:Charisma|Charisma]], +1 [[SRD5:Dexterity|Dexterity]] + |