SRD talk:Schism
Not sure if I should ask this here or on the powers page. Anyways, normally with a psionicist having your manifester level reduced by 6 (on the "second mind" from schism) would keep you from being able to manifest powers of your highest level due to the fact that you cannot spend enough power points to do so. For example if you were lvl20 your "second mind" would only be able to pay 14 power points and unable to manifest lvl9 powers (which cost 17Ppts). If the character is a psychic warrior and uses the expanded knowledge feat to gain Schism can they use any power they know that they can afford or would they still lose access to their highest lvl powers because the lower psychic warrior lvl doesn't have access to them? For example a lvl20 psychic warrior uses Schism and the next round he wants to use Form of Doom with his "second mind". Can he do so because Form of Doom costs 11Ppts (he can spend up to 14 on a power with the lower lvl "second mind") or can he not since at 14th level he could only use powers up to 5th level? --some guy--
- Side note: Please paragraph next time :P.
- The quick answer to your question is: yes, a level 20 Psychic Warrior with Expanded Knowledge (Schism) can totally manifest his highest level powers. That being said, there is nothing stopping a level 20 Wilder from manifesting her highest level powers. If she uses overchannel, she can totally manifest 2 9th level powers a round. With the practiced manifester feat, the schism will be reduced to -2 ML, which can allow a psion to go crazy nuts. --Aarnott 18:15, 14 September 2011 (UTC)
- Thanks! I was wanting to pick that up on my psychic warrior, but wanted to be sure first. (not sure how to make this reply indent) --some guy--
- Use colons at the start of your paragraph to indent it :). The practiced manifester feat is still awesome on a psychic warrior with schism for the extra +4 ML boost for the schism'd mind. With Hustle and Psionic Meditation, you'll be able to go nova really easily. --Aarnott 20:26, 14 September 2011 (UTC)
- Cool, I'll have to find the book with that feat in it, I don't have access to mine atm. While we are on the psychic warrior subject; am I correct in assuming that Rhino Hide Armor(an additional 2d6dmg on any successful charge attack) would add +2d6 damage to each attack I made while using Lion's Charge or is that a flat 2d6 damage whenever a charge is made? I'm thinking it's +2d6 per hit since it says additional damage. Just thinking this would make those form of doom lion's charges extra nasty (along with all the other psychic warrior buffs of course). --some guy--